“The show of shows” – and program announcer as before: ZDF is celebrating its 60th birthday with an event program, as the Mainz broadcaster announced on Friday. The focus is on the previously announced “Show of Shows” on Saturday, April 1: five ZDF classics will be presented there from 8:15 p.m. – “The Grand Prize”, “Dalli, Dalli”, “1, 2 or 3”, the “ZDF hit parade” and “Wetten, dass…?”. According to the broadcaster, who moderates should remain secret until the end. In addition to commentator Johannes B. Kerner and surprise guests, there are candidates such as Oliver Welke, Dunja Hayali, Giovanni Zarrella, Katrin Müller-Hohenstein, Horst Lichter and Andrea Kiewel.
It gets nostalgic from March 26 to April 1 at around 8:14 p.m. – the program announcement returns at this time. Seven ZDF heads, including Jan Böhmermann, Rudi Cerne and Martina Hill, put the viewers in the mood for the television evening.
In addition, many ZDF formats are dealing with the anniversary, either highlighting the future or relying on retro moments. The “ZDF-Morgenmagazin”, for example, asks questions about the television of the future on Wednesday, March 22, from 5.30 a.m. In “ZDFzeit: Loriot, Otto
The Second German Television (ZDF) went on the air on April 1, 1963.