a Detailed presentation of the Robert-Koch Institute, which lists, in the meantime, the Corona-dead in Germany. The Figures provide clear insights to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus pandemic in Germany: RKI lists the Corona the Dead in detail exactly. Surveys of Covid-19-deaths* demonstrate clear insights and trends. There are huge differences between the different age groups.

Munich – There is a lot of was a cliché in the Corona-crisis* : The Coronavirus * mainly older people die. In the Public of this sentence is heard again and again. But, what really is it?

Corona-the Dead in Germany: the RKI, which lists Pay detail exactly

Meanwhile, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) lists the number of victims who have died of or with Covid-19-disease, meticulously. A look at the report from the 1. June helps for the understanding.

the findings of The evaluations are clearly, according to which 86 per cent were of the Corona the dead 70 years of age or older. Their share among the Corona-cases in total, according to surveys, however, “only 19 percent”, such as the RKI announced.

Corona-related deaths in Germany: especially the over 80-Year-old die of Covid-19

Means: The ratio of deaths with Covid-19-disease is the number of infections is significantly higher than for other age groups.

even More: Nearly three-quarters of the Corona the dead over 70 years were 80 years and older. There is an average age of 82 years. Between 0 and 29 years of age died up to 1. June, therefore, twelve people in USA to Covid-19 .

Coronavirus in Germany: More men under the Corona of the dead as women

“are the RKI three COVID-19-deaths in under 20 Year olds sent to. The deceased persons were between the ages of three and 18 years, all of them had pre-existing conditions“, – stated in the management report.

men accounted for according to the figures, 55 per cent of the Coronavirus-related deaths*, women’s 45 percent. To 1. June had died in USA a total of at least 8511 people to Corona , and thus, 4.7 percent of the confirmed Covid-19-cases .

The increase in deaths in Germany in the Wake of the Coronavirus pandemic had slowed down in the least despite the nationwide easing of exit restrictions significantly.


*merkur.de is part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network