There hasn’t been a free blue verification tick on Twitter for a few days. Instead, users now have to pay for it. Many celebrities, including Kim Kardashian (42), Beyoncé (41) and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (50), initially lost their hook because of this. He can now be seen again with most stars. But some say they don’t pay for Twitter Blue.

Those chosen include tennis player Sir Andy Murray (35), actor Sir Ian McKellen (83) and British comedian Ricky Gervais (61). They got their blue hook back on Sunday (April 23). All deny, however, that they paid for it. McKellen tweeted, “Despite the conclusion, if you click the blue tick that has mysteriously reappeared next to my name, I’m not paying for the ‘honor’.”

The professional athlete Murray is also visibly surprised: “My blue tick has reappeared. For free … any game.” Comedian Gervais took it more humorously: “My blue tick has reappeared. I can only assume that this is a gift for all the bathing photos I’ve taken over the years.” “So my blue tick is back. Rest assured I didn’t pay for it,” British TV presenter Richard Osman (52) clarified.

Many stars were not happy about the blue tick that had reappeared. Rapper Lil Nas X (24) directed his anger directly at Twitter boss Elon Musk (51), who started the whole thing. “By my soul I didn’t pay for Twitter Blue, you’ll feel my wrath Tesla man!” The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) also stated: “We are not subscribed to Twitter Blue.”

Even accounts from deceased stars suddenly have a blue tick again. Among others by actor Chadwick Bosman (1976-2020), basketball player Kobe Bryant (1978-2020), actor Paul Walker (1973-2013) or singer Michael Jackson (1958-2009). Many Twitter users are confused. “Somehow I doubt Michael Jackson is paying for Twitter Blue,” writes one user.

Actor Patton Oswalt (54) and model Chrissy Teigen (37) have already tried to get rid of the ticks. Oswalt also explained directly via Twitter how this works best. “Change your name, change it again and the blue tick will disappear,” the comedian replied to Sir Ian McKellen’s tweet. Apparently, Teigen, whose profile no longer has a tick, managed to get rid of the icon and rejoiced: “It’s gone!”

The German satirist Jan Böhmermann (42) apparently didn’t want his blue hook either. “Changed name, luckily fake hooked away again,” wrote the moderator on Sunday. “Away with the hook of shame.” A little later, Böhmermann added: “Great! I have Twitter Blue (without paying), but no catch?! Why?”

But there are also stars who are happy about their blue hook. “Oh dear, this is like Christmas and my birthday at the same time! @elonmusk. I’m red with gratitude. Rockstar move, good sir,” tweeted actor Charlie Sheen (57). “You’re welcome,” Musk replied.

It was already announced last Friday that Musk had paid the blue hook for some prominent users. Among others, LeBron James (38) and Stephen King (75) should benefit from preferential treatment. In a tweet, Musk explained the new checkmark strategy that he was paying “personally” for a few subscriptions. He was apparently responding to a report by The Verge that said NBA star LeBron James wasn’t paying for Twitter Blue and had been offered a free subscription by Musk.

Writer Stephen King, who also kept his blue tick, tweeted that he wasn’t paying for “Twitter Blue.” In response to this message, Elon Musk wrote: “You’re welcome namaste.”

According to “Mashable”, only about 600,000 of the alleged 250 million Twitter users have subscribed to the new service. But there are also celebrities who will spend the $8 (€7.30) for a blue hook – for example Ryan Reynolds, Chris Hemsworth, Hugh Jackman, Britney Spears, Rihanna, Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus.