After a six-week winter break, the first regular edition of the ZDF “heute show” in 2023 was broadcast on Friday evening. Oliver Welke reported back from the studio of the satirical show and from 10:30 p.m. reached an average of 3.90 million viewers (18.1 percent market share) – practically the same number as with the last 2022 edition on December 16th. On Friday last week (January 20), ZDF broadcast a “Heute show special: Germany is getting the (energy) crisis” with Lutz van der Horst and Fabian Köster, which only around 2.8 million watched.
Jan Böhmermann will return next week (February 2nd) from the then eight-week break for regular editions of his “ZDF Magazin Royale” – then again in “late-night manner of satirical processing of socio-political issues”, as the second puts it. This Friday evening, 1.52 million (8.5 percent from 11 p.m.) saw a concert with Böhmermann and the radio dance orchestra called “ZDF Magazin Royale – Ehrenfeld Intergalactic”.
The more than two-hour RTL jungle camp “I’m a star – get me out of here!” followed an average of 3.91 million (18.2 percent) from 9:30 p.m. – in the age group of 14 to 49 year olds it was a strong 27.6 percent (1.46 million).
At prime time from 8:15 p.m., ZDF was ahead overall: an average of 5.81 million watched the episode “Light and Shadow” from the crime series “The Public Prosecutor” (21.7 percent) and 4.85 million followed the episode “The Last Wille” from the series “SOKO Leipzig” (18.4 percent from 9:15 p.m.). The first came with the ARD comedy “Life is not a kindergarten – father’s joy” to 3.43 million viewers (12.8 percent), RTL with the game show “Murmel Mania – The German Marble Championship 2023” to 2.34 million (8 .8 percent).
The US science fiction film “Alita: Battle Angel” on ProSieben had 1.38 million viewers (5.4 percent) by 8:15 p.m., the crime series “Navy CIS” on Kabel Eins 880,000 (3.3 percent) , the Vox docu-soap “Where love falls – every couple is different” 850,000 (3.2 percent), the military drama “American Sniper” on RTLzwei 780,000 (3.8 percent) and the Sat.1 quiz show “Let the music play – the big celebrity special” 570,000 (2.2 percent).