The ZDF crime series “Colleagues – Forever” interested the most television viewers on Saturday evening. On average, 4.98 million followed the commissioners Irene Gaup (Caroline Peters) and Julia Jungklausen (Natalia Belitski) in their second case. This corresponds to a market share of 19.1 percent.
Just behind was at 8.15 p.m. the first with the show “Who knows something XXL”: 4.73 million switched on the knowledge quiz with Kai Pflaume (19.7 percent).
An average of 2.13 million watched “The Masked Singer” on ProSieben (9.0 percent). Actor Armin Rohde was exposed there on Saturday. A classic from the 90s celebrated a revival on RTL. 1.77 million viewers tuned in to “RTL Saturday Night – The Reunion” (7.4 percent). Sat.1 had the thriller “Knowing – The future ends now” in its program and attracted 930,000 viewers (3.7 percent). 810,000 people chose the SciFi film “Arrival” on Vox (3.2 percent).