The new ZDF crime series “Ein Fall für Katharina Tempel” has got off to a very good start. The first case “What we are hiding” with Franziska Hartmann and Stephan Szász attracted 5.80 million (21.1 percent) in front of the screen on Monday evening from 8.15 p.m. At the beginning it was about the mysterious kidnapping of a couple of doctors. Günther Jauch’s RTL quiz “Who wants to be a millionaire?” was the closest to keeping up. with 3.31 million viewers (13.4 percent).
The first, with a themed evening on the Ukraine war, was not very popular. The documentary “Can we make war?” only 1.85 million (6.8 percent) wanted to see. The ARD talk show “Hard but fair: Ukraine is fighting, the Bundeswehr is still practicing: Does Germany have to be able to go to war?” with Louis Klamroth was not a hit for this prominent slot with 2.07 million (7.8 percent). The Vox show “The Lion’s Den” was watched by 1.88 million (7.3 percent).
ZDFneo had the British crime thriller “Inspector Barnaby: Beheading is also no solution” with John Nettles, Jason Hughes, Jane Wymark and Neil Dudgeon in the program – 1.79 million (6.5 percent) watched Detective Chief Inspector Tom Barnaby for the first time met his cousin John Barnaby in the row, who would later succeed him.
The clip show “111 perfect embarrassments!” on Sat.1, 910,000 reality fans (3.4 percent) came to the house. The American comic adaptation “Fantastic Four” with Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba and Chris Evans ran on Kabel Eins – 780,000 people watched it on the screen (3.0 percent). ProSieben broadcast the US action series “9-1-1: Notruf L.A.” with Angela Bassett, Peter Krause and Jennifer Love Hewitt – 760,000 people (2.8 percent) wanted to see it. The RTLzwei docu-soap “The Geissens – A terribly glamorous family!” had 710,000 viewers (2.6 percent).