The World Athletics Championships were the biggest quota magnet on Thursday evening. 4.61 million people (20.9 percent) turned on the first from 8:20 p.m. ZDF was able to keep up best with the romantic comedy “Ein Mops zum Verlieben”, which brought 3.74 million (16.9 percent) into the house. Vox also successfully focused on romance: The American comedy “Self is the Bride” lured 1.42 million (6.6 percent) in front of the screen.
RTL broadcast the report “stern TV Spezial: Wohnmadsinn in Deutschland!” out, that interested 1.06 million (4.8 percent). The Sat.1 report “The Sat.1 Optician Check! Fielmann, Apollo, Mister Spex
RTLzwei had the social report “Hartes Deutschland – Leben im Brennpunkt” in its program, 470,000 people (2.2 percent) wanted to see it. The ProSieben dating show “Der Heiratsmarkt” remained at a low ratings level and attracted 360,000 fans (1.7 percent). The “Monk” series on ZDFneo was watched by 290,000 viewers (1.3 percent).