The Spanish Crown Princess Leonor received three awards shortly before completing her military training with the army in Zaragoza in Aragon.

The daughter of King Felipe (56) and Letizia (51) initially received an important medal in the regional parliament and in the cathedral of Zaragoza – namely the “Medalla de las Cortes” awarded by parliament and the “Medalla de Aragón”, the highest Award from the so-called Autonomous Community. The 18-year-old was then named the city’s “adoptive daughter” at the town hall. On the street she greeted onlookers who kept shouting: “Long live the princess!”

In dress uniform, Leonor gave a speech in the cathedral in which she emphasized that she felt “at home” in Zaragoza. “I can tell you that what I have experienced here is far beyond what I imagined ten months ago.” Although she still has five weeks at the military academy in Zaragoza, she is already starting to miss the always friendly people of the community of 660,000, said Leonor.

The Crown Princess will complete the second stage of her three-year military training at the Marín Naval Academy in Pontevedra in Galicia before starting her training with the Air Force in Murcia in eastern Spain. Leonor waives the monthly salary of 400 euros to which she is entitled.

Military training in Spain’s royal family is common, not least because the king or queen also holds supreme command of the military. Felipe also completed three years of military training between 1985 and 1988.