Hajo Schumacher is more common in the ZDF Talk show Markus Lanz guest. This time the Journalist went over to the Berlin mayor Michael Müller and his Cabinet – with consequences.

In the ZDF-show “Markus Lanz” met the Journalist Hajo Schumacher on the Berlin mayor Michael Müller. Because of the excesses and consequences of the Corona-crisis in the capital, the author of the cattle compared to the red-red-green Cabinet, the SPD politician with a Spring. As a result, he was snubbed before the radiance of the policy.

Munich – Just in Corona-times* , there is no harm absolutely to use the approved methods. Because you know what you get. Because you know what you’ve got. This brings safety in these so special days and weeks. Whether Markus Lanz and his Team have thought? In any case, the ZDF-Moderator for his last Talk show* of the week with Hajo Schumacher has invited a guest, who turns frequently and the questions of the Südtirolers and day-to-day current Events with a sharp tongue comments .

And also this 25. June, Berlin-based Journalist and the author did not disappoint his hosts. Before the broadcast of the recorded program he continued his Twitter-followers an Appetizer. “I was rejected by the Berlin Senate spokesperson, because I bunch of the Berlin city government as a ‘disparate chicken’ referred to have,” writes Schumacher there, and adds: “The wife is right. Therefore, I apologise sincerely for all the chickens.“

ZDF Talk show Markus Lanz: Schumacher’s analyses work from the Berlin mayor

In the due to the Corona-crisis distance rules* be discussed round the sat beside the 56-Year-old, Berlin’s mayor Michael Müller , whose work Schumacher analysed, as well as the Situation in the capital. His brief and painful summary: “Corona makes the existing problems even more visible.”

And because Schumacher stated so clearly, he had also the allegation against Miller and its red-red-green Cabinet from the stack. Prior to that, kept the SPD politician to be anti-discrimination act , which was introduced in the Wake of the recent developments surrounding the “Black lives matter”movement* of the past weeks and in the ZDF-show also was mentioned.

+ Since 2014, governing mayor of Berlin Michael Müller currently have to wuppen only the Corona-crisis.©dpa / Wolfgang Kumm

Markus Lanz on ZDF: In Twitter-comments, jokes, Schumacher with fellow journalists

His sense of Humor lost to Schumacher in the case of all voiced criticism but never. As he explained via Twitter for clarification, please be fellow journalists Oliver worm the term “disparate” in the comments as follows: “‘dis’ of a disco, a ‘Council’ of ‘always have a beer of Europe’ – and done”.

And the tongue-in-cheek appearance of daily mirror editor-in-chief, Lorenz Maroldt : “As a summons to the Senate” the following sure Schumacher countered with the question: “shall we leave together?” And Maroldt replied: “don’t Trust me.”

+ to place well-Known for the Finger in the wound: Hajo Schumacher is a welcome guest at Markus Lanz. (Archive image)©Screenshot ZDF

TV Talk with Markus Lanz: Corona-scandal in the case of Tönnies and situation of being on Holiday in Majorca as a theme

one way or the other: For Lanz, and the “ZDF” was worth it, the invitation Schumacher again. For discussions whose appearance ensured in any case.

More topics were the scandal of the meat of it, in consequence of two counties in the Lockdown were sent, as well as the possible vacation trips in the Corona-crisis . For Lanz, invited the time-editor Merlind Theile and virologists Prof. Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit from Hamburg’s Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for tropical medicine. From Palma the course of Ciro krauthausen , editor-in-chief of the Mallorca newspaper has been switched on, to talk about the tourism situation on the Balearic island . (mg) *merkur.de and tz.de are part of the Ippen-Digital-network

After the scandal in the case of Tönnies, the question arises: Is the meat safe? This question is in the following Video.