After the Easter break, the search for the dancing star on RTL (also on RTL) went into the next round on Friday evening. The viewers had to say goodbye to two celebrities. There was also a special feature in the live show. Extra points could be earned through jury team dances.
Julia Beautx (23) and Zsolt Sándor Cseke (35) needed quick footwork with the lively Charleston. Even during training, the YouTuber feared that she would not be able to keep up with her professional dance partner. “I was muffled,” admitted the 23-year-old. But completely wrong, because her performance was very well received by the jury. Motsi Mabuse (41) was particularly enthusiastic about her “quick, short steps”. “It was great,” even Joachim Llambi (58) agreed with the song of praise, who, like his jury colleagues, awarded 9 points.
“I have to get rid of my shame first,” said professional gymnast Philipp Boy (35) while training for his slow waltz with Patricija Ionel (28). The expansive movements were his challenge. But the ex-gymnast delivered on stage. “Perhaps there was a bit of stress sometimes,” Motsi Mabuse complained, but was otherwise very satisfied with the performance of the duo: “You are a strong team.” This was also the opinion of Joachim Llambi, who was also impressed by the good footwork. “You have found your masculinity,” said Jorge González (55) and encouraged Philipp Boy: “Don’t be afraid to do such performances, give us more!” The jury awarded 27 points.
Things got fiery on stage with the Paso Doble by Chryssanthi Kavaz (34) and Vadim Garbuzov (35). The 34-year-old was supported in training and from the audience by her husband Tom Beck (45), who was invited directly by Llambi as a “Let’s Dance” candidate for the new season. The juror had a few minor things to complain about in the dance, but the 58-year-old liked the “beautiful aggressiveness”. Jorge González particularly liked the interaction of the dance partners. He criticized that the actress looked at her feet a little too often. 23 points went to Chryssanthi Kavaz.
After Ali Güngörmüs (46) became a shaky candidate in the last show, this awakened new energy in the star chef. The 46-year-old could use it, because a Paso Double was due for him and Christina Luft (33). “I love something like that. Everyone in this room noticed that you gave absolutely everything,” Motsi Mabuse felt the power. “I’ve never seen a Turkish torero,” said the chief judge, who now had one in front of him. Llambi was sure that the TV chef would not need a sword as a bullfighter, because the impressive look that Ali Güngörmüs put on while dancing would give the bull the rest. “You cooked a really great paella today,” summarized Jorge González the performance together. “I forget myself on stage. I don’t do things by halves. I do it for love,” the chef said after his dance and was enthusiastic about the subsequent rating: “For the first time I get the six from Llambi. That’s it like winning the lottery for me.” There were 20 points in total.
A soulful Viennese waltz was on the agenda for Timon Krause (28). Motsi Mabuse would have preferred to trade with professional dancer Ekaterina Leonova (35), because the juror found the way the mentalist treated his partner very appealing. “I’m torn,” Joachim Llambi wasn’t sure at first. He rated the emotional part of the dance positively, but in some places the technique was too unclean for him. 24 points came together for the duo.
The Charleston created a good mood for the team of handball players Mimi Kraus (39) and Mariia Maksina (26). Before the two presented their dance, the handball player took the professional dancer for a trip to his world, to the handball field. But back on the dance floor, Mariia Maksina took the lead again. Motsi Mabuse could see a significant increase in Mimi Kraus. Joachim Llambi also saw more mobility. He also noticed the slimmer figure of the handball player. Mimi Kraus has already lost 13 kilos since the dance show. 24 points were earned.
“It’s extraordinary,” Jorge González found hardly any words after the performance of Anna Ermakova (22), who showed a slow waltz with professional dancer Valentin Lusin (36). “There’s ‘Let’s Dance’ for 16 years and that was the best slow waltz on the show,” said the juror. “Mosti, you’re right,” confirmed Joachim Llambi. “You’ve been world class every night so far,” said the 58-year-old, who also follows the “Let’s Dance” shows in other countries. It went without saying that Anna Ermakova got 30 points. “I’m so grateful,” the Becker daughter was overwhelmed after the terrific rating.
The facial expressions and the charisma of Sharon Battiste (31) are always nice to look at, but the attitude is “sometimes too straight”, commented Llambi on the actress’ Jive. “You were so free! Keep it up,” the 31-year-old found a fan in Jorge González, who awarded 9 points for the dance.
Don’t forget body tension, that’s what Jens “Knossi” Knossalla (36) said, who presented a Paso Doble with Isabel Edvardsson (40). The very variable facial expressions when dancing “Knossi” were great entertainment in themselves. Then the bull thinks “he doesn’t have them all anymore,” Llambi suspected. The judge was also concerned about Isabel Edvardsson’s safety. “Knossi” earned respect from the entire jury for the commitment that the entertainer showed. Motsi Mabuse said he had recognized a hidden talent for dancing in the 36-year-old, but a lot of work was still needed for this to come into its own. “Even if I looked like I wanted to eat them, I just had a lot of fun,” explained “Knossi” his dance performance. The entertainer actually earned 9 points from Joachim Llambi for this. Jens Knossalla was overjoyed as he fell into the arms of the strict judge.
Who got the extra points? In the jury team dances, the celebrities Julia Beautx, Chryssanthi Kavazi and Anna Ermakova were trained with their dance partners for a joint performance by Motsi Mabuse. This performance was well received by the audience. As a result, the celebrities in the group of 41-year-olds were able to score ten extra points.
Ali Güngörmüs, Mimi Kraus and Philipp Boy were in Joachim Llambi’s team. This group performed the worst among viewers. Thus, there were only six additional points for the team’s celebrities. Eight points went to Sharon Battiste, “Knossi” and Timon Krause in Jorge González’s team.
In the end, there were not enough points for Mimi Krause and Mariia Maksina. That’s what happened to Ali Güngörmüs and Christina Luft and both couples had to say goodbye to “Let’s Dance”.