The animated world of “Peppa Pig” will soon have a prominent addition. As the US industry magazine “Deadline” reports, pop star Katy Perry (38) will appear in a three-part special for Hasbro production next year. In one of the three planned episodes, the 38-year-old lends her voice to the new, animated character Ms. Leopard (in German: Fräulein Leopardin). The extremely popular children’s series will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2024.

The show’s official Instagram channel also confirmed the news – and shared a picture of Perry’s character. “We are so excited to announce that Katy Perry will be the voice of new character Ms. Leopard in a ‘Peppa Pig’ special next year!” the social network said.

According to Deadline, the singer’s “Peppa Pig” character is a seamstress who helps prepare for the first wedding shown in the show’s universe. The characters Mr. Bulle and Mrs. Cow are then supposed to tie the knot.

The casting and filming of Perry’s first “Peppa Pig” appearance was completed before the double strike by the actors and screenwriters in Hollywood, as stated on the series’ Instagram channel. Katy Perry has not become a scab.

The singer recently sold some of the rights to her songs. Perry is said to have received the proud sum of 225 million US dollars (the equivalent of around 214 million euros) for this. According to her own social media posts, she occasionally watches the series “Peppa Pig” with her daughter Daisy Dove (3), whom she shares with acting star Orlando Bloom (46).

Perry has appeared in other animated film and series projects in the past. She played barkeeper Moe’s girlfriend in the legendary Fox show “The Simpsons”. In the animated film “The Smurfs” (2011) she lent her voice to Smurfette in the English original.