The US actress Jennifer Garner (51) mourns her late father William Garner. As the Golden Globe winner announced late on Easter Monday via Instagram, her father fell asleep “peacefully on Saturday afternoon.” He was 85 years old. The family was with him at the moment of death: “We sang ‘Amazing Grace’ when he left us.” Garner didn’t lose her sense of humor despite the loss, ironically noting that she wasn’t entirely sure whether her singing had “carried her father over or scared her away.”
Her dad had a healthy and wonderful life, which is why his death was “not a tragedy.” Nevertheless, grief is inevitable and now lurks “in unexpected corners”. She also wrote about her post, including some family photos: “Today is about gratitude.” Garner grew up sheltered in the US state of West Virginia with her two sisters Melissa and Susannah and her mother Patricia Ann Garner. Her family is “grateful for Dad’s gentle demeanor and quiet strength.” For her, he was an “all-knowing, always patient girl daddy” who often teased her with his mischievous smile: “We are grateful for his work ethic, his leadership qualities and his faith.”
She also thanked the medical staff for their life-prolonging care for her father. This would have given him time to be with his loved ones in his favorite places again – “as a captain on a boat and – above all – at the side of his wife, who was our mother for 59 years.” There is so much more to tell about her father, Jennifer Garner continues. She and her sisters would never be able to finish talking about how wonderful their daddy was. He was a “kind, brilliant man, father and grandfather”.
Jennifer Garner repeatedly reported on her strong bond with her parents. Garner also sometimes appeared with her parents at official events or on red carpets. She most recently posted on January 1st on his 59th wedding anniversary: ??”Thank you, Mom and Dad, for giving my sisters and me such a safe and happy start in life.”