The team of doctors at the Johannes Thal Clinic, known from the ARD series “All Friendship – The Young Doctors”, is getting reinforcements: Dr. Elly Winter, played by Juliane Fisch (36), will take on a temporary position in trauma surgery from episode 344 (expected broadcast date: June 22, 2023).
Longtime fans of the hospital series will remember the senior doctor as an ambitious assistant doctor. In the meantime, she had moved to Boston for a research offer. Now she is returning home – to the great joy of Juliane Fisch.
“Elly Winter has been with me for a few years – sometimes more, sometimes less. It’s really a great pleasure for me to develop and get to know her again so intensively,” the actress is quoted as saying in a statement. What she appreciates most about her character is its “encouraging and gripping power, combined with her professional competence”.
Fisch plays alongside Mike Adler (45), Sanam Afrashteh (46), Elisa Agbaglah (33), Christian Beermann (48), Philipp Danne (38), Luan Gummich (34), Horst Günter Marx (67), Marijam Agischewa (64), Mirka Pigulla (37), Stefan Ruppe (42), Isabella Krieger (29), Milena Straube (31) and Lion Wasczyk (28). In addition, there are guest appearances by the “In All Friendship” actors Andrea Kathrin Loewig (56), Alexa Maria Surholt (55) and Thomas Rühmann (67).
The first shows “In All Friendship – The Young Doctors” every Thursday at 6:50 p.m. The counterpart “In aller Freundlich”, which has been broadcast since 1998, always runs on Tuesdays at 9:00 p.m. Both series are also available in the ARD media library.