Friedrich Merz (CDU) in an Interview once more for the CDU chairmanship and the office of the Federal Chancellor in a coalition that existed at the Federal level as never before.

Friedrich Merz (CDU) advertises openly for himself as a candidate for the office of the Federal Chancellor, As appropriate coalition partners the FDP and especially the Green looks Friedrich Merz, a coalition of CDU/CSU and Greens , he would like Ecology and Economy be reconciled

Berlin – The CDU politician Friedrich Merz promotes a coalition with the Greens – and for yourself as a Chancellor . “I trust myself to make the Union’s profile in a constellation with the Green clearly visible and to ensure that we not only economic and financial, decide politically sensible things, but also in the socio-political issues,” said Merz, of the mirror, in a released on Friday Interview .

According to the Federal election in the coming year a coalition of Union and Green or three Alliance, with the participation of the FDP may be the only stable options, said Merz, the> in December instead of </strong, and then also the Chancellor candidate of the Union is to be. "The Grand coalition , we should not, as the Fort,” he advised with a view to the current Alliance with the SPD. For the mirror-photographers in the earlier Union leader in a dark green jacket with light green tie as he posed.

Merz sees a coalition of “Black-Green” already at the Breakfast table of many families

For a black-green Alliance he will see a lot of acceptance, said Friedrich Merz, the apply also to the chairmanship of the CDU. “Black-and-Green sitting however, in many middle-class families already at the Breakfast table.” He was of the Conviction that environmental policy can only be with an intelligent combination of regulatory law and market economy successfully, he stressed. It does not go to the reconciliation of the generations , the older, “to, that our prosperity is at risk, with the younger, the Worries of our environment.”

The CDU advised Merz for the upcoming Federal election campaign to pay attention to those voters who sympathized with environmental issues . He himself to trust themselves, also such citizens to address, he told the mirror: “The question of who can convince our own voters that we need to take a bold step forward, about the issue of reconciliation of Ecology and Economy , I can answer quite well.”

the coalition between the CDU and the Greens with Merz at the top?

On Twitter is a discussion of the Vision of Merz already, many consider the conservative CDU-man and the Green is incompatible. A Userin recalls, however, that have not deleted the Green Merz of the list with potential coalition partners. Accordingly, had expressed, among other things, group chief Katrin Göring-Eckardt in the spring.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital-Central editorial network.