In September last year, the German actor Elyas M’Barek (40) married Jessica Riso. Since the wedding, the model, who also acts, has taken the surname of the “Fack ju Göhte” star. In the current “Gala”, the spouses now reveal that they are currently fulfilling their dream of living together in the cosmopolitan city of New York City.
“I actually grew up in California, but my heart beats for New York – after all, I’ve lived in this city for over 20 years,” said Jessica M’Barek. The young couple moved into an apartment together in the trendy Dumbo district of Brooklyn. Dumbo sits right on the banks of the East River. From there you have a wonderful view of the Manhattan skyline. “I’m so glad we’re finally living together on the East Coast,” M’Barek explains.
Jessica M’Barek has already shown her husband Elyas M’Barek her favorite place in the Big Apple: the “Nitehawk Cinema” in the Williamsburg neighborhood. “We both love watching indie movies and there’s always a menu to match the movie here. There’s also salted truffle popcorn that we inhale,” revealed Jessica M’Barek.
But the most romantic spot in New York City, in her opinion, is Emilio’s Ballato on Houston Street, a small Italian restaurant. “There is only one room, candles are burning everywhere and there are photos and art of famous people on the walls,” enthuses M’Barek. She can only recommend this to every couple. However, it is difficult to get a place there.