security guard service in Corona-times is not only in terms of Hygiene and distance is a challenge for the volunteers. Also, the social and youth work is missing.

County – temperatures rise, and thus the desire of the people to cool themselves. The pond is likely to heuer to experience the particular inlet. There, water rescue and swimming for safety. Guard service in Corona-times is not only in terms of Hygiene and distance is a challenge for the volunteers. Also, the social and youth work is missing.

The helpers of DLRG and water, the first days have controls behind. This year it started with a special preparation in the wax of the season: the protection against infection. Protective equipment is available, in terms of personnel, the guards are reduced to the bare minimum.

DLRG currently only two volunteers at the moss inninger pond

On the moss inninger pond around it are, respectively, a guard conductor and a guard-goers instead of the usually four members, explains Stefan Miklos, Chairman of the DLRG Erding. And, in the ideal case, they come from the same household. Of the nearly 200 members of the DLRG Erding about 20 occupy Erding guard duty at the pond and in the pool. Of them, none have said that he wants to make because of Corona heuer no service. “But if someone had concerns, he would immediately put out. The self-protection always comes first,“ says Miklos.

Therefore, the helpers also wear a mouth-nose protection when you approach potential patients, or it will be on watch speed closely. It would not be cases of damage, Miklos, if the guest had a mask, at least in the beach bag for all. “Otherwise,” he advises, “is to just have fun, stay sensible and take care of yourself.”

Please: Also at the pond on the distance rules

A taste of the summer has the water rescue Wörth just experienced. “On Saturday it was already close, lawns and Parking lots were full,” reported the party leader Florian Siegl. He invites the bathers to be vigilant at the pond on the distance rules. “We also water wachtler must observe strict operational and hygiene requirements.” Additional areas were about on guard duty in the guard station cordoned off, to be able to take care of patients – they may not currently in the Station.

a Good half of the nearly 100 members of the water rescue Wörth occupied by the security services. There are eight groups of seven to eight rescuers. Patients at risk and minors are not. The crowds on Saturday had shown: “If the will be still more, you eventually reach the Limit,” says Siegl.

“It lacks almost everything that makes a club”

What causes him just as many Worries: “It is companionship, shared activities, team formation is currently lacking almost everything that makes a club:.” In addition, the youth work lies fallow up video conferences, events had to be cancelled. This is not least a financial Problem, because Events such as the summer festival on Wiflinger pond, the pond Feia at the Kronthaler Weiher or the Open-Air Festival summer sound Finsinger pond to serve all of the Central procurement and from fall this year.

+ Keep on Wiflinger pond the position: The volunteer on the water rescue Wörth, in the picture here Leonard Brummer, Johannes Zimmermann, Franziska Kroll, Veronica shum, and Maximilian Mayr (v. l.).©WW Wörth

“Therefore, we are particularly dependent on member contributions and donations,” says Lydia hall Frank, head of the 280-member strong local Chapter of Finsing. A maximum of five adults are currently on the Finsinger pond in service. This room is Frank in its core crew from 40 to 50 Active from the Full range. “It is not in vain in the Red cross, there is a certain amount Helfergen is easily available,” she says. However, the “highly motivated and top be disappointed-educated youth” because she could not help. “The do good to many Clubs hurt, because you lose contact with the youth a bit,” says hall, Frank.

training in small units are allowed again

How Siegl also regrets the fact that much of what make the guard service beautiful to the lack of visits of families to the guard station, for example – this year. “Therefore, it is a service that we do still care, but do not know and hope it is over soon.”

After all, likely also under strict rules – re-training in small units. The young is still outside, “but I think that it will not be very long before the youth is allowed to re-train,” says Erding water rescue chief Bernd Janowsky. Group lessons via the Internet could not substitute for a Live Meeting, but the contact is maintained, and the young have fun.

No mixing of workers and visitors

Overall, so Janowskys conclusion, the first security guard services under difficult conditions “very well worked”. Five solid wax groups with an average of eight to ten adults at the Kronthaler Weiher in the service. Added to this are members that are private there. You could operate in an emergency, although, but should not enter the Station. Overall, the guard service had become more extensive and more difficult. There are Even gowns, masks and much disinfection work. In addition, there should be no mixing of workers and visitors. Thus, the guard space is kept free, the water wakes up a fence. And: “The new Parking lot takes out a lot of tension.” Be felt on the previous Saturday, many people in Baden have been. “But the people are not allowed to go out for a long time, you can understand,” says Janowsky.
