Before the Union group has given Angela Merkel on Tuesday a Corona-view. The Chancellor appears to difficult times in Germany.

In the Corona of a pandemic could be over the worst of it, but internally Chancellor Angela Merkel warns. Urgent warnings by the Chancellor just before the next Federal-state Meeting to the Public for that matter. Merkel and the Minister presidents will meet on Wednesday (17. June). Chancellery chief Helge Braun poses the questions of the Bundestag.

Berlin/Brussels – Markus Söders Bayern has done it on Tuesday, other States want to add: relaxations in the Corona-crisis is a main topic in Germany. the Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has warned, however, that it is a serious a setback.

The German economy had to face in their entire width as a giant break-in, said the Chancellor on Tuesday, in the session of the Union parliamentary group in the Bundestag – has experienced the dpa of the participants of the discussion. No one knows how consumer behaviour and the pandemic developed. She didn’t want to be pessimistic – you could face the situation just optimistic – but we must also be realistic. Merkel was quoted as saying: “There’s a giant mountain of work still lies ahead of us.”

Coronavirus: Angela Merkel warns of economic Crash – “never been there”

After the loosening of travel warnings for most of the EU countries, and in view of the debate about summer vacation destinations* Merkel said any joy on a holiday had indulged in Majorca or in Greece . If you consider however, the economic Figures, “I know not quite, whether we have already brought hopes and reality”. Other Ministers had previously warned the public against viral hazards of travel. Some observers suspected the least economic motivations behind the Opening.

What we experience in the face of seven million short-time workers* in may, currently, had never been there, Merkel warned participants, according to. In the economic and financial crisis of 2008/2009, there have been 1.5 million short-time workers. Unlike then, the situation was not healing well but quickly. Therefore, it is important that the government and the Union group radiated Confidence and ability to act.

to the upcoming EU summit Merkel said, apparently skeptical. You don’t expect this Friday with an agreement in the negotiations on the EU budget and the reconstruction package . You hope that there is, in July, significant progress. Merkel was quoted by the participants, saying: “it would be Desirable.” If Europe is to stand without a budget in 2021, and without the economic recovery plan , this would be a “figment of the non-Action. And we all want to avoid.“

Merkel Coronavirus: Always outbreaks internals from the group leaked

The Virus was not gone, even if you contained it well and in the barriers I referred, said Merkel, according to these information. Where people were, however, close to each other, but it always breakouts . “We have to be very careful so that we do not exacerbate the already difficult situation in the economy again,” warned the Chancellor. It was a very tense time, even if currently most of the sunshine. “It is not without what awaits us in the next few months.”

Already at the end of April Merkel had made in a switching conference of the CDU-tip it clear how unhappy she was about it, that the message should have been more careful led to easing in some countries to “opening discussion of orgies”. This increase the risk of relapse is very strong, she said at the time.

Coronavirus: Merkel meets with Prime Minister – pandemic theme

Also on Wednesday (17. June) will deal Merkel with the Corona-crisis – and even a little “easing” to attend The German Chancellor and the Minister presidents of the Länder come together 15 p.m. to be held in the Chancellery in Berlin. For the regular discussions, the country heads for the first time in months, personally, in the Chancellery . Since March, they had to meet several special Video for Corona-crisis last held on 26. May. The Corona-provisions are largely a matter of the location part is confusing – Merkel had also omitted to unofficial claims.

At the Meeting, it should go according to the government, now, among other things, the impact of the Corona-crisis and the planned economic stimulus package. Also the energy transition, the mobile expansion, and the upcoming German EU presidency on the agenda. A press conference is planned. A report in the Rheinische Post, the German government is planning for the Meeting a decision to create ” the National Reserve health protection “. This is to ensure that in pandemic cases do you have sufficient protective equipment is available.

Coronavirus: Merkel’s Chancellery, chief of the Bundestag, the EU Commission presents strategy

Merkel Chancellery Minister Helge Braun (CDU) at the Wednesday lunch are also the questions of the members of it should go to the Corona-policy of the Federal government and the new Corona App, the development of brown politically was significantly involved. The Minister occurs in the context of the regular government survey , the Ministers for an hour in the plenary session of the Parliament to answer.

And also the EU Commission deals on Wednesday indirectly, the economic consequences of the Corona-crisis. She wants to protect domestic companies better before Acquisitions and the excessive influence of state-subsidised foreign companies. the Vice-President Margrethe Vestager , presented on Wednesday (12: 00) a strategy paper, to ensure fair conditions of competition. Especially, Chinese investors have had it apart recently to high-tech firms in Germany and other countries.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.