Nine-year-old Nevio from Hamburg has been nominated for this year’s German Multimedia Award with his animated film. “At first I thought, that’s not really true,” said the third grader of the German Press Agency. His film is entitled “Warning on the Road”. Nevio’s idea: Explain the most important traffic rules to smaller children.

Using a tablet, a playmat and some surprise egg figures, he created a stop-motion film. The elementary school student took more than 5,000 photos in three and a half hours. If the individual images are placed one after the other, it looks as if the figures are moving – like in a flip book. Using free apps, the nine-year-old combined the images into a film and recorded his voice. Nevio has a simple tip for all children who would like to make a video: “Just try it out.”

The nine-member jury likes the film. He shows a good mix of learning and fun in media design. If Nevio wins, he can win up to 1000 euros. “It’s a win that I can be there,” said the nine-year-old. He is the youngest of all nominees. Children, adolescents and young adults up to the age of 25 could apply. He will find out on November 12 in Dresden whether Nevio will win. That’s where the awards are given. A media festival will be held around the award ceremony, at which all the projects of the participants can be viewed and tried out for a weekend.