A huge hall from the Bronze Age was discovered during excavations near the “royal grave” of Seddin (Prignitz district) northwest of Berlin. As the Brandenburg State Office for Monument Preservation in Wünsdorf announced, it is the largest building of its kind from the Nordic Bronze Age (approx. 2200-800 BC).

It was said that the meeting hall of the legendary “King Hinz” was probably excavated with the 31 by 10 meter floor plan.

According to state archaeologist Franz Schopper, it is a “really big, spectacular find.” The walls of the building consisted of wooden planks and wattle and daub with clay plaster. The roof was covered with thatch or straw. Due to the estimated building height of seven meters, it is assumed that there were additional floors for living and storage. There was a fireplace centrally located inside the western half of the building. A miniature vessel was recovered on the northern long wall, which is interpreted as a ritual sacrifice.

Building dated between 10th and 9th centuries BC

The archaeologist Immo Heske from the Georg-August University of Göttingen, who has been scientifically accompanying the excavations for several years, dates the building to between the 10th and 9th centuries BC. Due to its enormous size, it was probably a ruler’s seat. In the period from 1800 to 800 BC there were only two other buildings of this type between Denmark and southern Germany, said Heske.

Tobias Dünow (SPD), State Secretary in the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, spoke on Wednesday in Seddin of a “really spectacular” find. The work on the “King’s Grave” was made possible primarily thanks to good cooperation at all levels, especially with the Prignitz district and the municipality of Groß Pankow. Last year, the German Research Foundation (DFG) promised funding of 300,000 euros for further excavations.

According to Schopper, the research results should also be presented to the public. In addition to an extensive publication, information boards and possibly a model of the hall are planned on site. In consultation with the municipalities, this should be implemented over a period of two to three years, said Schopper.

The “King’s Grave” near Seddin near Groß Pankow is considered the most important grave complex of the 9th century BC in northern Central Europe. It was discovered in 1899 during stone extraction work.