Balenciaga, Anna Wintour, “Vogue”, Gap – Kanye West is gradually losing business partners and allies. The reason is his anti-Semitic statements and his fashion show in Paris, where he unveiled “White Lives Matter” shirts. But West’s lucrative relationship with German sportswear manufacturer Adidas continues. At the beginning of the month, Adidas announced that they wanted to examine the cooperation, but nothing has happened since then.
Numerous celebrities are joining forces online these days, using their reach to build up pressure. “Whether Kanye West is mentally ill or not, there is no question that he is a fanatic. In his hate speech he calls for violence against Jews,” wrote “Friends” star David Schwimmer on his Instagram profile and linked in his story Adidas. “The world is watching Adidas,” actress Kat Dennings tweeted.
West’s former sister-in-law, Khloé Kardashian, also took to her social media platforms to take a stand. She shared a post that said, “I support my Jewish friends and the Jewish community.”
And movie star Jamie Lee Curtis made it clear what she wanted from Adidas. “Saying nothing is impossible,” she wrote on Twitter, based on the sports manufacturer’s advertising slogan “Impossible is nothing.” “I wish to speak out against anti-Semitism, white supremacy, fascism, transphobia, and other oppressive regimes and ideologies whose sole purpose is to silence, obliterate, and annihilate others,” Curtis wrote.
The pressure was all the greater after pictures of a Los Angeles freeway poster made the rounds over the weekend. A group of well-known right-wing extremists could be seen there holding a banner that said, “Kanye West is right about the Jews.”
An inquiry from stern on Monday morning to Adidas initially went unanswered.