Actor Heinz Hoenig has been in the hospital since mid-May. After an initial operation on the esophagus, his wife Annika Kärsten-Hoenig has now given the RTL station an update on his health and reported an emotional reunion. On Monday evening (May 20th) her husband received a visit from his three-year-old son Juliano for the first time. In one photo you can see how the family clasped their hands together.

According to the circumstances, her husband has been doing well since he woke up from anesthesia after the operation that lasted several hours, said the 39-year-old. She had a “huge surprise” with the children’s visit on Whit Monday. “When I stood in the door with the little one – there were lots and lots of tears of joy,” reports Kärsten-Hoenig.

Their son was also very happy and “first gave his dad a big kiss”. She is very grateful to the doctors that this was possible: “Heinz draws his strength from the children.” Her youngest son, Jianni, was not yet allowed to be at the hospital bed, but there is a photo of him on the wall in the hospital room.

A decision will be made in the next few days as to when Hoenig will have to undergo another operation – this time on the aorta. According to his wife, her husband has to be stable enough for this. If he survives the procedure on the main artery well, he can then leave the clinic and be cared for at home. As a trained nurse, she herself could support the 72-year-old well.

Kärsten-Hoenig explained to “Bild” at the beginning of May why the operations were necessary. A bacterial infection had spread to his entire aorta and a stent inserted in 2012 was damaged. The actor then had a new stent inserted, but still needs a new aorta. Before that, he had to undergo surgery because of a hole in his esophagus.