The actor Sebastian Ströbel, known from the action-packed ZDF series “Die Bergretter”, has now shot a family film far away from the Alps and really enjoyed it all. The 46-year-old stood in front of the camera in Hamburg with Anna Maria Sturm, Benjamin Raue and Juliane Siebecke for the two-part “Herzkino” “Herzstolpern”. This can be seen on May 7th and 8th at 8:15 p.m. in the second.

“It was a home game, I was allowed to shoot at home, that was of course great,” said the Hamburger in a ZDF interview. “We also had a beautiful location on one of the Elbe’s side arms, where the farm is located directly on the water.” What makes Hamburg special to him? “Width, openness, social warmth, a kind of togetherness. Port equals diversity. An estuary: everything can begin in Hamburg – the beginning and end of a journey,” says Ströbel.

“Herzstolpern” is about a couple in love, both have Down syndrome. Ströbel plays the father of one of the two lovers. The film will be screened during the week of European Disability Equality Day (5 May).