The US actor and rapper Nick Cannon (42) has become a father for the eleventh time. He announced the birth of baby “Beautiful Zeppelin Cannon” on Instagram on Saturday (local time). The mother, Abby De La Rosa, had previously announced November 11 as the date of birth in an Instagram story. The two are already parents to twins Zion and Zillion, who were born in June 2021.

Cannon has children with several women. He only announced the arrival of his son Rise Messiah to his fans at the end of September. This is Cannon and model Brittany Bell’s third child together. A few weeks earlier, the girl Onyx Ice was born, Cannon’s first child with model LaNisha Cole.

A son with model Bre Tiesi was born last July. The comedian also has 11-year-old twins with ex-wife Mariah Carey. His son with model Alyssa Scott died of cancer in December 2021 at the age of just five months. The next offspring is already on the way. Scott posted a photo of herself and Cannon in early November, showing her heavily pregnant.