I Want to destroy a ‘picasso’ Detained a man for ripping a ‘picasso’ at Tate Modern

The last new year’s Eve transcended the news that the 28 of December, a young man of 20 years had destroyed a picasso valued at more than 23.5 million euros. The painting, titled Bust of a woman, hung in one of the rooms of the Tate Modern in London, where he carried out the attack. Little more is known about the damage caused to the painting, a portrait of the artist Dora Maar, lover of the painter from malaga, made in Paris in 1944, during the last months of the nazi occupation. Yes there are, however, new information on the attacker, who had already been identified with the name of Shakeel Ryan Massey. According to published the newspaper La Opinion de Murcia, the individual, source angloindio, is the neighbour of the municipality of San Javier, Murcia, where he completed the bachelor of visual Arts at the Instituto Ruiz de Alda. Based in the region for years, now, according to the same source, was studying at the university in Cartagena. This newspaper has contacted the London Metropolitan Police, which has not been able to confirm the origin of man beyond of that have a residence in the london neighbourhood of Ealing.

Massey, who was arrested immediately after the incident, will appear the 30th of January in a pre-trial hearing that will be held in the courts of Camberwell Green, in the british capital. Until then you will remain in custody, given that he has been denied bail. According to La Opinión de Murcia, the young man left a handwritten note tacked on their social networks in which we read: “you Think that is impulsive and out of nowhere, but there are more than three years of planning. I’m sorry for not having me fired from many of you, my people, Salinas, Larios, Paul Octopus… The half I would have killed. I don’t think that it will be one of the best of our times, but the most prolific, and I hope to return in a couple of years having achieved all that creíais I was able to get and more”. The text, signed as “The indiako d el Mirador” [a hamlet of San Javier] adds that “if you want context, look at (sic) news from the @Tate (art museum)”, and concludes: “Viva Murcia and viva El Mirador”.

In a report published in the online journal The Spanish, a teacher without identifying the Instituto Ruiz de Alda ensures that the conception of-the-art Massey “was very radical,” while in the educational center did not expect such behavior on the part of your alumnus, that ended a year ago high school. “We have been very surprised by this behavior because he never opened a disciplinary record,” adds the same source, which notes that: “I don’t know if he had a mania to the painter Pablo Picasso. The teachers we have missed a lot of that to do something so wonderful”. According to the same media, the man flew in December from Spain to London, and there carried out the attack, which the cause is unknown. The british newspaper the Guardian notes that Massey has stated that it will reject charges of criminal damage against him.