It has created many reactions around the world, Caroline Wozniacki has chosen to set his career as just a 29-year-old.

the last sentence in the tennisstjernens glorious career being put at the Australian Open in January 2020.

But it was for Caroline She the younger brother of Patrik, ought to Denmark’s best female tennis player wait to put the racket on the shelf.

“I think in each case, and that she could have taken the season with. Most of all, because she has achieved what she has. She deserves the here tour, where she will be applauded of the pitch, where everything that she has provided is being appreciated,” says Patrik Wozniacki to Go’ Night Live.

His lillesøsters big decision was announced to a family reunion, where Patrik thus believed that the sister Caroline should have taken the whole season with and connected in the UNITED states after the US Open.

But how to get it, as you know, not.

in turn, came Patrik Wozniacki with a touching salute to his sister, who in the course of his career has won a grand slam title and been on the verdensranglistens first place in the 71 weeks.

“I’ve almost seen all of her matches – it is quite a few, I haven’t seen. It does not matter whether it is three o’clock at night or seven in the morning,” says Patrik Wozniacki, who has annotated a part of the tennisdarlingens matches.

“I feel though, that I am the biggest fan she has, and I have followed her through thick and thin.”

She decision to end his career now hangs along with that she will focus more on raising a family.

at the same time, it has also been important for her to finish on top, ” explains Patrik Wozniacki.

The final farewell will be at the Australian Open. Two years after that, she won his only grand slam title, exactly the same place.