ice hockey professional, Sebastian Busch, shot of Landshut DNL-Team once to the German championship

long geisling – As the four-year-old Sebastian Busch for the first Time in the Peter Semmler-led walking school of the ice hockey Department of the TSV Erding came in was the way to successful football player, not pre -. “The dad actually wanted to, that I will be a skier or a footballer,” says the now 27-Year-old. “But I look up to my buddy Fabi climbers in ice hockey Training and then wanted to play also.” Meanwhile, about 300 second – League-and more than 100 major League games in the statistics, a Landshut’s second-division championship with the Landshut Cannibals, and a German championship with the DNL team of EV are in the Bush.

football he had tried, but admits: “I was not so talented.” So concentrated, Sebastian Busch, on ice hockey – and had in Erding excellent teacher. To the youth he passed through all the stations in the TSV, had the Bambini ice hockey legend Hans Huber as a coach, and later of Ewald Steiger, Christoph Mosbauer, Ken Filbey, Franz Steer, and finally, in the youth Markus pop Inger. In his last Erdinger year, Sebastian Busch, third in the German championship. “Iserlohn is at the time, became the first and, in the DNL ascended,” he recalls.

the exchange to Landshut, where the long geislinger actually wanted to play two years, but since the boomers were frozen, resulting in three years – with an unexpected success. The 2010/11 season had been completed, the EVL under coach Ewald Steiger as the Eighth, and then put an incredible series. Just the Coach had had a great share in the success, notes, Sebastian Busch, and stresses: “, Hans Huber, and Ewald Steiger the two best coaches I ever had and brought me the most goods.” In the quarter-finals, which was played in the mode Best-of-five threw the Bavarians to the Champions and favourites to Mannheim from the race (3:2, 3:4, 6:4, 2:1). Further, in the mode Best-of-three was thrown in the semifinals of the second-Krefeld out of the title race(5:2, 3:1), and now the star bulls Rosenheim, who had completed the lap as a table, the fourth waited in the final.

“That was simply beautiful”, describes Sebastian Busch for the final series. “In Rosenheim, and Landshut, respectively, 3000 people were there and playing the game at a Young.” Game one went with 5:4 goals in the EVL, game two with 7:3 to the star bulls. In Rosenheim, the decisive game three went on the stage – 3:3 it stood at the end of the regular time and after extra time, the had to shoot the penalty decision. Three Rosenheimer and two Landshuter had forgiven, as the last shooter Sebastian Busch was in it. “Our coach, the Ewe, has said we should shoot, because the ice is so bad, but I took a shot in the Penalty never,” remembers the long geislinger. “I wanted to do something different, but he knew exactly what, because if you think too much, then it usually brings nothing.” Bush to supply eventually, plated goalkeeper Timo herds, and curled the Puck into the goal – it is indescribable jubilation in Red, followed by White.

“that was The Highlight of my career to date, I think back often,” says the 27-Year-old, and freely admits: “When I’m bad, or I experience a bad Situation, I build myself with the memory of that Penalty again.” At that time team were in the Landshuter many other current or former Erdinger actors like Florian Zimmermann, Felix Kürten, Luke, Krämmer, Robert Gebhardt, and goalkeeper Thomas Mende, the replacement Keeper was behind the former Dorfener final husband, Thomas Hingel.

The Surprise came when the then managing Director of the Landshut Cannibals, Bernd Truntschka, the then 18-year-old Busch a Three-year offer the contract. “I was totally surprised,” he says. “I had never done that before think about to earn football money.” And what for him was the Best: “I could still parallel a three-year training to be a Physio-therapist at the Physio school in Landshut.” Much to the delight of his father, Ernst, who operates in Erding, a Physio-practice.

of Course, it had been often a of Stress with school and a part twice a workout of the day, but the teachers had him great support and he really helped, especially when he missed learning material I have to catch up. And it ran perfect for the long geislinger, who was able to celebrate the first year in the adult is equal to the second League of the championship of “the second absolute Highlight in my career”.

for The second year in the DEL 2, Sebastian Busch, then had real bad luck with injuries. First, he rolled the shoulder and needed surgery. When he was fit again and just a few games had passed, he got in Training a bat to the face, with his jaw cave was a quarry and he had to be re-operated. So he came in the 2012/13 season, a total of only 15 games: “A plague year.”

was run As the contract in the case of lower Bavaria after three years, aged in Sebastian Busch, the desire to change the club. “I was so happy, I just didn’t want to play only in the fourth row of the emergence of,” he says. “I just wanted to refuel self-confidence and a League am therefore down to the North-upper-division club Duisburg.” There, the native Tölzer Franz Fritz Meier, Jr., as a Trainer, “the was known that he gives the young players a Chance” served. But it all came different: Fritz Meier was eventually dismissed, and a new coaching staff came, “the wanted to play with great people”. For the 1,77 Meter-man no more space was in order.

“Since I was Stop just before,” admits Sebastian Busch. “It has made me no fun anymore.” He didn’t want to go a League down, in order to get more assignments to take on more responsibility, “but it was ultimately worse than before”.

there it was, ultimately, a happy coincidence that 2015 coach Sergei Wassmiller asked if he wanted to come into the upper League South to Bayreuth. “Sergey has brought the fun back,” says the 27-Year-old. “And we had a super team.” 54 games, he graduated, made a 45-scorer points, and at the end of the climb in the DEL 2. In the semi-finals of the EV Regensburg had been turned off. In the final of the Bayreuth Tigers documents the Tilburg Trappers, but the Team from the Netherlands was not entitled to advancement.

In Bayreuth, there were finally a “family reunion” because of his nearly six-years younger brother, Valentin, of the state at the time of the Nürnberg Ice Tigers under the contract, was loaned to Bayreuth. For two years the “Buschis played” in a row. “Of course, you, as the big brother to the little brother to take care of and always looks right,” says Sebastian Busch. “So I noticed, of course, if it went bad, or if it is not running, and then that transferred often to me.” Overall, though, it had gone “very well”, with Sebastian as a playmaker and Valentin as the top scorer in the DEL 2, then even “Rookie of the year”. “We used to play in the basement together, and always blind,” says Sebastian Busch. “For me he is the best player I’ve ever played.” He forgets to mention in this context his parents, “because without mom and dad all of us would never have been possible,” says the 27-Year-old. “What have they taken everything, which certainly do not make a lot of for your children.”

Recently in the tiger Team, by the way, the Ex-Rosenheim-Timo herds, against Sebastian Busch, his most important Penalty had transformed. “We talk often about the final series of the time and tease each other,” says Busch, and adds, laughing: “So rather I him.”

Now, Sebastian Busch wants to pitch to five successful Bayreuth years, a new Chapter, because it changes from upper Franconia back to lower Bavaria, the League competitors EV Landshut. Where he started his professional career. “I needed a change of scenery and also wanted to say, again, closer to home,” the 27-Year-old and adds with a smile: “To the right of Bavaria.” What he has planned for the next few years? “With the team’s success and the Playoffs,” stresses Sebastian Busch. “What concerns me personally, and I will have a lot to play and have fun at the ice hockey, the Rest comes from alone.”

Eventually, he will join his father in the physiotherapy practice, says the 27-Year-old, and then he could imagine to play again for his hometown club in Erding – where it all began. And maybe Peter Semmler check Yes then.