holdings of 1,208 employees, of battle Stand today with the Coronavirus infected. The working and living conditions of the immoral-seeming work contracts workers mostly from Eastern Europe is a political Skdandal, the Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil is determined to create out of the world.

There is a certain amount of guts, under these conditions, as the Chairman of the Association of the meat industry on a talk – show discussion involved, which is under the title: “Corona in the slaughterhouse-are us humans and the animals sausage?”

But the courage must was Heiner Manten, the Frank Plasbergs invitation to “Hard but fair” on Monday evening followed, on the way to the Studio exit. The evening is expected to have for him feels like a traffic accident.

WDR / ARD tele show

It was most unfortunate for the managing Director of Manten-meat (“We are a family business”), because of this evening particularly sharp put-up the host had his share. He was pleased, finally, the labour Minister healing personally, known Heiner Manten, he wanted to come into the conversation about the legislation.

After Frank Plasberg had invaded the perplexing man with a lecture, it was a talk show with many of the participants in the discussion, and not a consultation for the SPD Minister, did not release was the first time a lot of on the part of the meat entrepreneur.

“I’ve lost a bit of the thread”, he confessed to suffering stammelnd. To the accounts of the scandalous employment in its industry, have not occurred to him just yet: “I know, I like that.”

Hubertus Heil: “This is organised irresponsibility”

look, however, had “the world”-investigative boss, Anette Dowideit (“As comes pretty much together,”) and the Berlin “Germany radio”-Reporter: Manfred Goetzke, the Plasberg on a conversation met off of the table round. Goetzke had, the national language, with Romanian workers in the German battle entertain operated.

Which would work illegally in the double layers of the tape and had then, on the part of the subcontractor, however, various deductions to endure for partially meanest accommodation, meals, work clothing and the like. The Reporter knew to be reports of workers who say they have had “in the first month, no Euro’s left.” So much for minimum wage. WDR / ARD tele show

“This is organized irresponsibility,” scolded the Minister of labour of healing. “The fact that we were not able to control that, is to work construction. We shall not allow.” That by means of the Corona cases were the conditions in the countries of origin of the innocently-arrived workers Republic, have damaged the Reputation of Germany abroad, the Minister felt.

Frank Plasberg loses control

Heiner Manten should take a position to the descriptions, from the meat producer for the first time to a series of formal questions to gross and net. Too much for Frank Plasberg, lost for a couple of really amazing television minutes the control.

What shot are always the Talk the Moderator through the head – the Corona-distance rules were not there. Estimated neck steak length of the “Tough but fair approached”veteran preaching his now completely scared rigid broadcast host to a rousing curtain.

“you come from the lower Rhine, such as my wife,” sought and Plasberg found Common ground, therefore, should be “here is not a Tribunal. I know that you are a fine fellow.” But Mr Manten may now forget, please, what he had learned in PR-coaching for talk shows and straight as “honest German entrepreneurs” answers.

Plenty of late Plasberg was: “I’m too close!” Mr. Manten took it seemingly left: “I’ve only been recently tested.”

Robert Habeck: “animals are reduced to raw materials and then

sold at a loss” is An almost bizarre Episode in the history of Monday ARD Talks. This man was a long time in the Background, for the consignment had commanded output is actually the perfect stage. Stumbling block, however, included. Because as a “prohibition party” no longer wishes to Robert Habeck know its Green, Yes, perceived.

Nevertheless, the party leader should explain again, as he had meant with the “image”Boulevard immediately attacked the minimum price for meat. It was hard for him not too. Germany had become a “dumping country of slaughter”, scolded Habeck. WDR / ARD tele show

The policy should at least ensure that the meat will not be sold below production cost “which is the bottom wall of Shame”.

“That doesn’t work in the market economy”, interjected as if on cue, Habecks outright against players of the evening, the farmer and the CSU the Bundestag, Max Straubinger. You would immediately come under the pressure of the food discounters.

“a farmer calls for farmers dumping prices, this is crazy”, rank Habeck is now to be replaced by. The CSU-man parried with fatalism: “I do not defend the System. It is the reality, and you will not change.” WDR / ARD tele show

Habeck tried it now has the moral: “animals are reduced to raw materials and then sold at a loss. With a disposable mentality!” Every day some 11,000 pigs were thrown in the garbage, reckoned Habeck, “intelligent life,” he stressed. “And then we dumping to defend prices?” Then it was almost philosophical: “We can be as a political being better than at the meat counter”, weakened the green head word powerful is the Argument of the consumption will, like it, like to cheap. “We don’t have to be better people, but better laws.”

place of fear in the chest stand: “There were two really big next to me!”

And what of animal welfare and species-appropriate husbandry? He could not accept that implication was that farmers would not comply with the rules, said CSU-man Straubinger. “A sucked debate” coincided with the release of Frank Plasberg new from the role of Impartial.

“The sentence must remain actually stuck in the throat”, said the Moderator, and let the prepared video playback of sows of the “attitude-form 1” in the so-called “Box”. A mess so an existence, indeed.

On the box state-of-the Moderator came back to his obligatory “final round” again. He wanted to know with which other participants in the discussion, his guests are most likely in a cramped stable coexistence could live with. A plenty of crappy question, but it was the last answer on this evening, still playing undercut. Of course, the meat manufacturer Manten: “I once sat on a plane, because two of the right thickness were next to me, closely. Therefore, I would take Mrs Dowideit.” ECB: First Inflation, then a new monetary order is coming – what the saver is in FOCUS ECB: First Inflation, then a new monetary order is coming – what is the for savers

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