Back to normal – for everyone except for us. So it seems to me at least. Life has been running for two weeks. Beer gardens, swimming pools and wildlife parks have opened. On television, we see 22 footballers from different teams in two a Ball to fight chase. The first Hotels to receive guests. Vacation is possible.

Sometimes it seems to me that Corona would already be over, if I have a look. Also when I see so many people at the lake, or sit in the beer garden, or lastly, as we have done with the boys first trip to the game Park. Even the kindergartens are open from July in Bavaria again for all of the children. In the case of my middle son, the means 23 children in a group. About the author private

Verena Claudi mid-30’s, mom of three children and lives in the Metropolitan area of Munich. At FOCUS Online, she writes regularly on topics that concern you and other parents. By the way, you blog on Instagram at “verenas_mamablog”.

But for the school children, the should not apply? Wherein the can, in my eyes, but much better to distance rules, to keep as small children. How do I explain my Major, that it is for him and his school friends as possible, but for his siblings in Kindergarten already? I don’t understand it myself.

Despite the family bonus: parents should continue to schoolen home, homeworken and home care

parents not to be heard in spite of the many relaxations! 300 Euro child bonus per child is a very nice gesture, but to my and the problems of twelve million families in Germany are not solved. As parents, we may continue to schoolen home, homeworken and home care for ‘ til you drop. Yes it has, works so far somehow. But slowly, my powers wane. It is also 300 Euro for each child, change a little.

  • More about the family bonus: the Federal government decides kids bonus for families – the parents need to know
  • All the news about the Coronavirus pandemic, you can read the Live-Ticker

Initially, we had thought, until after the Easter holidays, we are creating the locker, then it was after Pentecost, now our view to the light after the summer holidays was.

Also, the gradual re-block instruction on an hourly or weekly basis from my point of view, no real relief. The Homeschooling is still.

Many teachers and schools do not have still the necessary Equipment, especially in the primary schools in Germany, it is often needed most. Not every class room has Wi-Fi, so that the teachers can stream their lessons home to the children. Not every school has enough Tablets, or PCs, to be able to instruction online shape. And what, really, is keep up with the many house in Germany, in which children do not live with the necessary Hardware for it?

worksheets by Email instead of teaching by Video

Also, we do not have a PC or a printer at home. We have deliberately decided for a few of the media in our household and are so far gone very well. The teacher of our first grader, however, has offered so far anyway, not a single hour of instruction online for the children of our class. All the materials come via e-mail on Sunday to our home. With a Smartphone in the Corona-crisis: how to protect your children on the Internet!

Tiktok, YouTube, and Gamble without end: Many children and adolescents spend since the start of the Corona-crisis even more time on the Internet. Digital coach Daniel Wolff explains in the Webinar on 15.06.20 from 19 to 20.15 PM, what are the dangers of the.

I’m learning then with our son math, English, and practise with him Recently, handwriting. We learn poems by heart, writing, dictation Practice, and I explain to him the clock. Sometimes it works out better, sometimes worse. Not always, I’m a good teacher, not always I can explain the material child-friendly and I don’t always have the necessary patience and also the time to to all content address. I am the mother of three children who all want my attention and has need – and I work in addition. A combination that is manage in normal everyday life sometimes difficult. In times of Corona but will cost me so much more.

What I would like instead of the family bonus wishes

Instead of 300 Euro Bonus for each child, to the parents to pay, I would wish, therefore, that our teachers and schools are better equipped to meet the new work requirements better. And I would hope that the money that is available to parents is not to Good, who have the financial resources to buy a PC, to allow their children to go to the digital home. Access to education should be given to all pupils equally. Children’s Learning must not be dependent on the financial Status of their parents.

in Addition, I would like the schools and the policy collected from the teachers on a similar Level in dealing with digital Learning. Maybe the summer holidays for more image can be used for Online seminars, to enable then in the new year, in whatever Form, to all children a good Start.

Until then, it continues to hold.

All the parent columns of Verena Claudi you can read here.

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