“I was pretty hard hit in the back of the head. I still suffer from it.”

Conny Hamann-Boeriths brands are still consequences after a violent incident in may.

however, It is not at all to see, as B. T. meetings the storsmilende former handball player.

She has been with to start a free school in Ikast, which has meant that the she in the years has moved from the City to peterborough with his family.

For the opportunity to be a part of ‘the gold mine’ could Conny Hamann-Boeriths not let pass, as it presented itself. A idrætsfriskole, who must create the future winners through play, competition and training.

It is to pull up stakes and say goodbye to the celebrity did not so much.

“In life as eliteudøvere we have been accustomed to move around. It was no surprise to anyone that we chose to take the plunge,” says 50-year-old Conny Hamann-Boeriths with reference to the past as one of the ‘iron ladies’ in the national team.

today she is much further in the big skolelokaler. Both the children and the parents, she tells about the everyday life, which must also be fun.

“This one does not come easily to anything. Right now it’s not so much the kids, because they are small, but just as much the parents. You can give them the understanding of it does not matter that you are sour over having lost. They can get the understanding that they have a child that will anything. It I use really a lot. For I know what to do,” says the former actress, who has gold medals from both the european championships and the OLYMPICS on his resume.

the Exposure shines through clearly. She has it well – both in general and in its new life. Also even though she is still limited as a result of the dramatic day in may, when a traffic accident left its mark and gave the blow in the back of the head, which resulted in the genes, she still grappling with.

She and the man, Rene Hamann-Boeriths, driving their Golf on Herningmotorvejen, when it began to hagle. They lowered the move, and from here, remember Conny Hamann-Boeriths just that she turned in pure reflex after hearing the man say ‘so brems dog!’.

the Couple’s car was hit from behind and pushed into a truck. While she, herself, suffered a severe concussion, fractured the man some ribs, just like their bodies were yellow and blue.

They got off lightly, stresses Conny Hamann-Boeriths, it also says that the doctors believe their sportskroppe was strong and took very good from.

“the Accident did, that everything was put on hold. We survived. Both Rene and I are still suffering a little under it. When it is said, we have it really well and thrive with being in a new place with amazing people. Our family has it too good,” says Conny Hamann-Boeriths.

She is almost all the time a big smile when she sits and tells, though the severity of the accident also is evident in her eyes.

She can’t be with activities with the children at the school. On the way, she is still labeled, as both she and Rene are tired. In addition, she has gone to a neurological psychologist, and received treatments.

“It is always fine to pull some tools out, but sometimes we are too hard on ourselves. We just need to proceed and are accustomed to a lot of things. That we could feel, we had to put everything on standby. The word trauma did not exist in me before I came to the psychologist to talk about it. We were exposed to something violent. We are accustomed to see,” explains the former landsholdsstjerne.

Both she and the man have chosen to see the positive in the situation, it should not be ‘sorry for them’. Fortunately, was the couple’s children are not in the car, and the couple can laugh and use each other in the whole process.

“But we could feel that you some times had to stop and say, ‘it was Betticket actually quite violent’. We chose to see it from the angle that we just mega lucky. It is there are others who are not. We are deeply thankful,” she says.

to be able to turn the bad into something positive has meant a lot. How is Conny Hamann-Boeriths also as a person, even though such an episode also have put some things in perspective.

“We have always been thankful for, we are a part of the world. It is we even more now. You are also vulnerable. It, there have been allerhårdest, is, in fact, that our boys could have lost us. It to die is not bad. You close your eyes, there is dark, and that’s it. That brands you, not so much. But for those who are left… That is what I responded to. The boys should not think about what they should have done. They are 22 and 17. Such a young man of 22 should suddenly be reserve for a young guy on the 17. It is not meant to be. This is what has hit us the hardest,” says Conny Hamann-Boeriths.

She is serious when it comes to the accident, but the positive mind shines through. In spite of the violent experience she has it good. Each day she works with something she is passionate about. It means everything.

“It is the elixir of life. You feel that you live. I have my family and my friends, they are important to me, but then I use also a lot of time on my work. To be able to be a part of it here and meet happy to work and go home happy – tired but really happy – it means everything,” laughs she.

She had chosen the school because she really believes in it. And it has already been a success, makes her proud. There is put much in it. Both the work and soul, from both her and her colleagues.

“It’s like when you coach a team, and as Ulrik had us to the OLYMPICS. When the goal is to create a school, or the goal is to get to the OLYMPICS, it is the same way. You have to accept some things, you know its strengths and weaknesses, and so we struggle our way forward from there. It is also how we work,” says Conny Hamann-Boeriths, who every day work with talent development at the school, who ‘will develop the world’s best football – and håndboldspillere’.

She participates in it, she can, as for example, when there is judo on the program. It is about showing children that all should practise to be the best. Something she has taken from the håndboldverden, she stopped in as a player in 2001.

And when asked if she may miss the play, she replies quite quickly ‘no’ with a grin. But she is pleased to see his children play. The son, Lasse, playing professional handball in south Jutland, while his son Oliver is on the U17 academy in Skjern.

“Thus I get really very. There, I give everything and can be even more tired after watching a match, than if I had played it. It is hard to be a mother, there are so many emotions,” says Conny Hamann-Boeriths.

She helps the sons, if there is a need for it, but could never dream of to be the mother, who stood with a raised index finger. And come the boys one day and tells that it is over with a handball, they must not hear of it.

There will not be paced, tells Conny Hamann-Boeriths, who has previously trained his sons in handball.

However, we should not expect, that she returns to the sidebar and a day.

“I’m getting too engaged, and it drains me. So I can’t follow my boys. I have been the coach of the youngest, and when he needed to see something other than me, I would rather just follow them,” says the former landsholdsstjerne.