The cruise industry fights back into the business. However, it came within 24 hours to two Cancellations: First of Aida Cruises and had the planned Mini-cruises on the Baltic sea for the first half of August, and delete – because in the case of eleven members of the Crew Corona-infections were identified, and the Italian authorities the green light gave.

Shortly thereafter, the Norwegian shipping company stopped Hurtigruten for the time being, ships are all traveling with their three Expedition. Positive Corona Tests with 36 crew members on the “Roald Amundsen” and some of the passengers were the reason.

Good booking figures despite Corona-conditions

industry observers Alexis Papa Thanassis from the Bremerhaven University of applied Sciences in the recent messages and Cancel still a good sign: “Transparent communication and the consistent observance of security measures are the right way to re-start.” private Martin Melzer on the “My ship 2”

The booking to confirm the numbers of the largest German providers. Many cruise Fans can’t wait to go back on Board. Martin Melzer from Frankfurt is one of them.

The enthusiastic crusaders and bloggers had Bay in the case of Tui Cruises ‘ “Mein Schiff 2” and the three-day Mini-cruise was actually a few days without stop from Hamburg to Kristiansand in Norway, and back.

goosebumps moment, as the ships at sea meet

A scene is remembered, Martin Melzer: As in the case of the return journey to Hamburg, suddenly, two Tui-sister ships showed up and the first German ocean liner, was stung to act after the forced break with a passport in lake, flanked, and with loud ship horns welcomed.

goose bumps moments. You are the reason why the seafaring Enthusiasts for the 64. Time on the world’s oceans. However, this trip was probably the most unusual, which is he started the.

Disco, and a Sauna stay was

Melzer is one of the nearly 1,200 passengers were able to pierce it with 800 Crew members after the Lockdown on one of the big ocean cruisers in the lake. At the beginning it was for all of: fever measured with a digital thermal imaging camera. This was repeated every Morning.

All of the Check-In Terminals and the reception Desk were covered with Plexiglas, under Deck and on Deck disinfection were medium-built stations. private Corona-measures on the Deck of the TUI-ship

people, sun beds and chairs had to keep 1.50 meters distance. Mask of duty was where it was tight in the cabin hallways and in the Elevator. Disco and Sauna were closed.

Narrow it had become actually, never really, so Melzer. Finally, the ship that is targeted for nearly 3,000 guests was occupied, only half of it.

Germans were Europe’s cruise master

ocean cruises up to Corona to spend the outbreak in the world the most popular types of holiday and leisure. Around 30 million passengers the shipping lines were last year. The majority came from the United States.

Of the European guests and the German, most often on a big journey. Has set the pandemic, this Trend to an end?

The pioneer journey of the tourism group Tui Cruises made for international attention. Both the US competition of the Carnival group and the corresponding Italian Costa Crociere – have not moved their vessels from the investors away. There was no green light from the regulatory authorities.

the Protocol for the restart of the sea-cruise

Tui Cruises took a probation journey, the errors were not allowed. Unthinkable, what would happen if pictures of the “Diamond Princess” would repeat in front of the Japanese coast, where the Virus broke out.

To prevent this from happening, have agreed authorities, port cities, and the three German cruise lines, Aida, Hapag-Lloyd Cruises and Tui Cruises on a Protocol for the restart of the deep-sea cruise in Germany: In three stages is to be driven with the help of guidelines for infection protection.

The Plan initially provides cruises from German ports without any port stops, and with a much reduced passenger capacity. Before a ship departs with passengers, goes there first, the Crew in a 14-day quarantine.

Global travel restrictions for employees are the Problem

Corona Tests are for Crew-members rule. How uncertain the Situation is further shown by the fact that Tui Cruises, the for the 31. July scheduled first had to wait for a cancellation to cancel the trip from Kiel, as well as Aida all in the coming weeks, planned short trips.

A lack of authorisation by the Italian authorities with the Italian flag kiss mouth-fleet have been the reason.

problems, only the risks of infection for the guests, but also to the international travel restrictions for employees to recycle. Often, the crew members do not get in time to the ship, with the addition of a positive Corona-testing of the crew.

Have managed to get all healthy on the ship and two weeks in quarantine, behind, brought, then, are for the time being, provided only pure sea voyages in accordance with the principle of “cruise to nowhere”, at the most panoramic trips through the Norwegian fjords. M. Melzer freedom or Corona cage? More difficult to restart for cruises

it is Planned a gradual expansion to travel with each of the port stops, if travel restrictions allow, and the infection protection in the ports. In the third Phase, you are accustomed to driving should be recorded routes again.

“The shipping companies are facing enormous logistical and operational efforts in this reboot,” explains tourism expert Alexis Papa Thanassis. The effort is also financially huge, “and that in a economic crisis in front of the cameras.” But if an industry can do this, then this.

the cruise

the shipping companies and the company struggled for a time out of a Problem around the passenger-ship travel were even well prepared for crises of all kinds, convinced the Greek-born, “The cruise, as we know it today, is also born out of a crisis, and then the Success become. Captains and ship owners have the courage and the creativity to weather this storm,” the 45-Year-old Professor who teaches at the University in the subject “Cruise Tourism Management” in Bremerhaven.

Already in the 1960s and 1970s, the business for passenger ships around the world fell. The reason is that airlines such as Pan Am offered TRANS-Atlantic flights with the new Jets in. This went much faster, so that the customers of the shipping companies, was announced by flyers to a lot of.

creativity for industry watchers with a great opportunity

a Little later, resourceful, shipowners and tour operators declared an Atlantic Crossing to the “Event”. On the lake, well-known artists played on were arias performed, chefs dished 8-course Menus, jewelry retailer presented high-caliber.

“The means of transport has been explained in brief hand-to Destination,” says dad, Thanassis. It was the end with the wood class, on the between deck. Were fashionable cabins with sea view for an audience, for which the time factor plays a minor role. World’s new luxury cruise ships created in the chord.

Now, nothing wrong, may rides, at the cross

In this creativity industry observers Papa Thanassis sees a great opportunity for the of bankruptcies, bad luck and pandemic-ridden cruise companies.

“you are on a good path.” Fast shots need no one. The new normal on Board should be tested with caution. “Now, if something goes wrong, when the Virus erupts, it will damage the reputation of an entire industry.”

cruise-Fan Martin Melzer has confidence in the industry, and Cancellations, not to impress. He is definitely more of this: Unfortunately, his 65 was. Deep sea fishing trip with the Norwegian MS Spitsbergen for a cruise around the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard for the time being, cancelled.

Now he wants to. at the end of August with Tui Cruises on a panoramic cruise to Norway Fjords look without the fold.

author: Anja Steinbuch

More on cruises

  • Every day a new Destination drive – using a floating luxury Hotel: For many Germans, the holiday is on a cruise ship is a dream come true. The last months cruise Fans had to do without due to Corona on this adventure holiday. Now some of the ships navigating the seas again. But the everyday life on the ship could not be otherwise.
  • After the Coronavirus outbreak on your cruise ship “Roald Amundsen” offers the Norwegian shipping company Hurtigruten, for the time being not to travel with their three expedition ships and more. Also in the case of Aida for the August scheduled cruises were cancelled.
  • for a Long time, you had to be in the Corona-forced break, now the cruise ships of AIDA and TUI darting back to My ship in the lake. Like a cruise expires while Corona and they all have fun, reveals a My-ship-passenger FOCUS Online.
  • On Friday long forced break stings after months by Corona, the first cruise ship back to sea. In Hamburg, Tui will leave My ship 2 to Tour without landing gear. Tourism-Professor Alexis Papa Thanassis sees the critical and the cruise industry predicted a new normal.

Corona outbreak in port company – virologist: “Ideal conditions” for Virus dissemination PCP Corona outbreak in port company – virologist: “Ideal conditions” for Virus dissemination

*The contribution “more Difficult to restart for cruises” published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

Deutsche Welle