If you are sitting and watching tv all day, so keeping the head not long, says the ageing of the French doctor.

When the French doctor Christian Chenay accepted its first patients in 1951, there was a large focus on the penicillin.

Now, where he is 98 years practice he still in a suburb of Paris, where some of his patients have come from him in decades.

Chenay, which do not have any problems with her health, has not one-time use of glasses, during his consultations.

– When you are over 60 years of age, then you will quickly as the older. One day it’s card games and bingo the next – and then the sudoku. You end up as a complete idiot, so it’s better for me to continue as a doctor, says the 98-year-old, Tempobet who accept patients two times a week.

Chenay, who is from Angers in western France, was a welder before he was doctor, and his practice is not characterized by high technology. He has no computer or fax. But he says that he keeps himself updated through medical journals online.

Through nearly seven decades, he has taken against patients. He speaks of a new phenomenon, as are patients who falsely gives himself diagnoses by reading too much about diseases on the web. And so seek out their doctor.

Many residents in Chevilly-Larue, which is an area with only three doctors to 19,000 inhabitants, complaining lægemangel, and there is often a queue outside Chenays practice.

French doctors going on pension when they are 67 years old, and Chenays son, who also worked as a medical doctor, has retired.

But Chenay do not want to stop.

– If you are sitting and watching tv all day, so keeping the head not long, he says.
