Turkey puts pressure on Germany due to travel warning

The Turkish government expected that the Federal government’s worldwide travel warning reversing before the summer holidays to Turkey. The Turkey is from mid-June ready to receive tourists from abroad, said the Turkish Ambassador in Berlin, Ali Kemal Aydin, the German press Agency. “All the necessary precautions to be taken by the competent authorities. We are convinced that the Federal government pulls all of this into account and accordingly decides.”

German foreign Minister Heiko Maas had 17. March is a global travel warning for tourists who up to 14. June is. After that, the SPD wants to repeal politicians for the European Union and by individual travel advice replace, in which the relevant risks is made. As with countries outside the EU, is still unclear. From Turkey to Spain and Italy, the number 3 among the most popular vacation countries of the Germans.

“It is obvious that we have to overcome in contrast to many other countries, the Covid-19-the crisis successfully,” said Aydin of the dpa. “We are in a much better location in comparison to some EU countries.” In addition, Turkey had defined the necessary precautions for safe tourism earlier. He thought therefore, that it is “very unlikely” that the travel warning will not be suspended.

Aydin said, the resumption of air traffic was already in preparation.

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