The exrector of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) of Madrid, Fernando Suarez, who had to leave office in 2017 by several allegations of plagiarism in some of his scholarly works, has gained a plus of € 2,000 on their “merits” in the investigation. As it has advanced the is and has confirmed to Efe, Suarez is one of the several hundred teachers of the public university that will receive this course a plug for his scientific work, after having returned to teaching as professor of History of Law and Institutions in the own rey juan carlos.

In your academic profile that appears on the web site of the university, the exrector has currently published two research projects that range from 2016 to 2019 to investigate about the Royal Sites, which are properties of the Crown managed by National Heritage) and about “Madrid, from court to capital.” In particular, public aid granted has as its objective “to stimulate research through the evaluation ex post of the scientific production and the individual for the year 2018 and the consequent allocation of a sum of individual business on the basis of merit”.

Sources of the URJC have pointed to Efe that Suarez, in spite of being investigated for alleged plagiarism, “is currently entitled” to collect the plus for research, since it is a complement that “he is” because it is granted to all those faculty researchers who request it. “There is a judicial investigation opened on the issue of his plagiarism, but as long as the same is not resolved, the presumption of innocence prevails”, say those same sources, who insist that, legally, from the university “you can’t deny that add to the merit of a researcher”.

For this same reason, in the year 2017, the same in which Suarez had to call elections over allegations of plagiarism, the exrector “also got a plus for its research activity of 2,400 euros”, which neither could deny, according to add to from the university.

The controversy surrounding the plagiarism emerged in mid-October of 2016, when several media warned that Fernando Suárez would have copied in an article for the law journal “Yearbook of History of Spanish Law” part of a book of the excatedrático of the University of Barcelona Miguel Angel Aparicio.

In subsequent weeks, were reported other possible copies, committed by Suárez, who on the 25th of November he denied that he could speak of plagiarism, not to obtain “economic performance” of it, and hiding behind a “dysfunction” resulting from the research groups in which it is integrated.

After this statement, five of the teachers affected by these alleged plagiarism moved through a manifesto, their “outrage” against the “shameful picture” that the “persistence” of Suarez in his position as rector was offering the Spanish public university and where requested his “immediate resignation”.

Finally, after these pressures from various academic fields, Suárez called early elections to elect a new rector of the URJC, who resigned to be filed and in which the professor of Signal Theory and Communications Javier Ramos ended up beating his opponent, Rosa Berganza.

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