More Badetote as in the past years, the Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft (DLRG) fears for this summer.

“Overall, we are afraid that the swimming skill wears off even further,” said police spokesman Achim Wiese of the German press Agency.

Because in addition to the well-known problems such as a decrease in the number of swimming pools and long times for swimming waiting courses to come in this year, the Corona-pandemic.

This swimming pools for a week had been closed, the swimming lessons were failed because of that. People would have to now wait even longer for a course. “The waiting times there were already – some of you were up to one and a half years,” said Meadow.

danger in open bathing places

in addition to the lack of swimming training in the DLRG sees, headquartered in Bad Nenndorf, near Hannover, the Problem is that people Dodge because of the corona-related admission restrictions in bathrooms and unguarded swimming areas.

This could be dangerous.

Meadow appealed to the people to bathe only there where there is supervision. Parents, he asked to stay in the water close to their children, as long as they can swim safely.

“seahorse badge is no swimming,” he said. “It is only a badge of Motivation to learn to float.” To master the latter is enormously important. “Swimming is a life insurance and a high cultural heritage.”

Lack of swimming exercises

The former world-class swimmer Franziska van Almsick (42) called on people to caution.

“this summer we are running the risk of losing many children or adult people, because they were able to practice dealing with water in the last few months,” she said in the Radio Bremen talk show “3nach9”.

the week-long closures of the bathrooms have exacerbated an existing Problem. Every second third graders could not swim safely.

The number of deaths by Drowning was recently declined. In the year 2019, at least 417 people, sending thousands were killed nationwide, mostly in rivers or lakes.

The DLRG-information about 17 percent less than 2018. The DLRG attributed the decline mainly to the not always existing beach weather.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

*The contribution of “Safe Swimming: DLRG fears 2020, more Badetote – also because of Corona” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.
