A glance at the scale it has also shown me that My body is not something set of does to the life in the home office. In General, I run daily, I also am with the dogs in the forest, in the Agency I run back and forth, in Cologne, I usually go with the wheel. All of this burns calories, all energy needs. Some habits has changed the Virus. Many activities fall away unfortunately. Also, the Marathon Training, because many of the competitions were cancelled.

The body is really a bad beast. He is getting used to us, he sets on us, and he saves like energy. He fills his memory for the bad times, you can also call it fat. He needs to be constantly surprised and challenged. For every Surprise, he does not know, means that It requires more energy to re-adjust it. Good for us, because More energy means that we take on.

a short biography of Mike Kleiß

Mike Kleiß drives since his Childhood Sport. “Anyone who moves, reaches more” is his life motto. Running was always his favorite subject. Since seven years he runs almost every day between 15 and 20 kilometres, often a Marathon, sometimes Ultra-Marathon. So far, our columnist has published two books on the topic of Running. He is the founder and managing Director of the communication Agency GOODWILLRUN. Mike Kleiß lives with his family in Hamburg and in Cologne, Germany. He writes every Thursday on the Run.

Many of us have a few Kilos too much

at times the home office have a lot of people. And who is particularly brave, the also talks about. In the case of those who have outed themselves to me, it’s not much. Two, three or four pounds. But there are pounds to much. In my environment all of the almost. Those that eat poorly, too little to drink, too little sleep. But also, the shopping in the health food store, get your eight hours of sleep, three litres of water to drink, the run on a regular basis and a lot of.

it is Nice that many people are just started to walk already. Because it pounds the Corona-now the fight have announced. Because you maybe have read also, that there is hardly a sport is more effective for calorie Burning than Running. In half an hour you can burn approximately 300 calories depending on the intensity even more. The metabolism is stimulated, and even after the Run the body to burn even. The so-called after-burn effect for maximum fat-burning fun.

  • recommended reading: All new developments to the outbreak of the Coronavirus you read in the News Ticker

, interval Jogging is the perfect workout

no Matter how the Virus in terms of weight caught, there’s something that’s really important if you want to permanently stay fit and on the desired weight. Even if you simply want to lose weight, only with Running. You change your habits. They enter the body again and again with new impulses.

The interval Jogging is the perfect Training. Here, we combined fast Sprints with his normal speed. So it boosts not only heart rate, but also the metabolism. You burn per unit of more energy.

The interval training in the long term. It remains to build the body muscles gets constantly new challenges he must face. The organism can not adapt, he must constantly evolve. Also the needed energy. More to the Coronavirus

Berg races to claim the muscles enormously

I have in the last few weeks, mountain runs increasingly incorporated into my Training. Through very many hills in my running times are, of course, completely absurd. I’m slowly without end. And it is insanely hard not to want to my average time per km of the reach. To accept alone that a mountain is not made for fast times, that alone is a torment for both body and mind.

The muscular stress is enormous, the pulse races. On my popular 15-Kilometer stretch, there are only climbs and then it goes sharply downhill. Straight not so much. This Workout I’m doing currently, three times a week. Then again, there are interval runs, and slow Long runs.

With my secret Power-Energy Drink I return to the on-the-Corona-figure back

The scale, it shows clearly that I return to on-the-Corona-figure. And rapidly. I drink four to five liters. Mostly Water. My secret Power-Energy Drinks: 200 grams of frozen raspberries in the blender, two liters water, fresh mint, 30 seconds to mix. No sugar (only fruit sugar), vitamins, plenty of water, fresh mint, perfect on it.

Instead of raspberries you can use just 400 grams of water melon. If you like a splash of agave syrup. Two liters of fluid, the delete just after the Run in a healthy way the thirst. And also: he Who drinks two liters of very fast, has hardly any Hunger. FOCUS-Online-action #corona care: Germany helps!

The Corona-pandemic restricts the everyday life of the people in Germany. Especially for vulnerable groups such as seniors, everyday tasks are associated with a risk of infection. Therefore, now asked for solidarity! FOCUS Online has therefore launched the campaign “#corona care: Germany helps”. With you! All of the information you find here.

Challenge yourself. They expose themselves and the body of new running challenges. Let the past Rest of the Corona, and if there are only Corona Kilos. Into the new fit life! So it’s up and running!

you over here to read all the columns of Mike Kleiß

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