With milk, condensed milk, or even cream or black – with white sugar or brown sugar with artificial sweetener or pure? The way you drink coffee can be benefits crucial for health.

A team of researchers around the nutrition expert Walter C. Willett, a physician and epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Medicine and the Board of management of the Department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, has found in a study that the method of preparation has as much influence on how healthy coffee is.

coffee can prolong life

for a Long time coffee, on a daily basis and consumed in large quantities, had a bad reputation. He diseases a beneficiary of the cardiovascular, promotes high blood pressure, and acting also übersäuernd, it said.

Willet and his colleagues were able to disclose in their study that the correct Coffee – to the contrary – is good for your health. Daily coffee consumption may extend, therefore, even life.

As healthy a coffee filter

is Not the carefully prepared Espresso, not the coffee with the gourmet Crema from an espresso machine, but a simple coffee filter, according to the researchers, the healthiest.

in addition to the realization that coffee can help with weight loss because it curbs the appetite and stimulates the metabolism, determined the researchers further health benefits:

  • coffee filter reduces cholesterol,
  • enhances the pain relief of tablets,
  • has anti-inflammatory,
  • protects against certain types of cancer (skin, breast, prostate cancer),
  • reduces diseases the risk of certain liver (liver fibrosis and cirrhosis), and
  • lowers your risk for heart disease.

In a previous study by the same research team has already shown in 2006 that moderate coffee consumption reduces the risk of developing type II Diabetes, also.

What is so healthy about coffee?

coffee contains many phytochemicals, such as polyphenols and alkaloids. These are important antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory and protecting against free Radicals that attack the cell structure and the development of various diseases (including cancer, cardiovascular disease) are involved.

in addition, coffee contains a lot of Magnesium, potassium and Vitamin B3. In its total effect, therefore, the intestinal health, as well as the sugar and fat affect metabolism positively.

The filtering makes all the difference

in addition to these good ingredients can occur during the Roasting of the beans but also pollutants. Therefore, the preparation of coffee is so crucial.

Unfiltered variants, such as, for example, coffee from the French Press, or Turkish coffee, contain so-called diterpenes, which can raise cholesterol levels.

Less, but still moderately a lot of harmful substances, the much praised, since it is gently brewed Espresso. Here, too, a certain amount of coffee grounds in the Cup, which is often mitgetrunken remains.

The bad LDL cholesterol increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in other coffee as a filter coffee, up 11 percent (with a consumption of six cups per day), says the study.

Especially dangerous unfiltered coffee is therefore, for people with fat metabolism disorders.

How many cups of coffee are considered healthy

drinks a coffee filter, no need to worry of the amount due. Three to five cups a day is still considered beneficial to health. Here, the starch and the roasting, of course, play a role.

How bitter you take your coffee, by the way is part of the genes depending on. Some people lack certain receptors, the taste of bitter substances, which is why you perceive your coffee milder than others, which have these receptors.


  • van Dam, R. M. et al. (2020): Coffee, Caffeine, and Health, retrieved on 14.08.2020: https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMra1816604
  • van Dam, R. M. et al. (2006) Coffee, caffeine, and risk of type 2 diabetes: a prospective cohort study in younger and middle-aged U.S. women, retrieved on 14.08.2020: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16443894/

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