The figures are encouraging. Since the lifting of the confinement on the 11th of may, the health care agency public Health France reveals that there is no ” signal in favour of a resumption of the epidemic “. However, 109 homes Covid-19 (or ” clusters “) have been spotted in France, but none has so far been at the origin of the spread of the epidemic, the agency says health. 104 of these clusters are located in metropolitan France and 5 in the departments regions overseas. “No community spread (occurrence of new cases outside of the community and link with the cluster) that is not controlled is reported,” says public Health France.

also Read “No recovery of the epidemic,” at this point, but caution…

In one case out of five, the home is brought under control (no new cases for 7 days after the last), or off (no new case within a period of 14 days). At the last point the 21st of may, the number of households stood at 46. The health authorities have however repeatedly pointed out that an increase was not bad news in itself, but reflected instead a better tracking ability. Provided to control these outbreaks by isolating positive cases. Among these 109 households, ” 64 % have more than 5 cases “.

“149 071 a case of Covid-19 have been confirmed in France”

“They concern, in particular, of persons in situation of precariousness and vulnerability (19 % in accommodation and social insertion, and 6 % in vulnerable communities), health facilities (22 %), and more broadly of companies (20 % public and private companies),” says the health care agency. Moreover, she believes that “149 071 a case of Covid-19 have been confirmed in France,” between January 21 and may 28. This number is derived from new estimates most “comprehensive”, thanks to “the transmission of the data of the patients tested in the laboratories of the city and in hospital laboratories” (a system dubbed IF-DEP).

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For the week of 18 to 24 may, “216 891 patients were tested” at Covid-19 and 4 of the 119 were positive (1.9 %). The positivity rate of test virological (which allows us to know if one is contaminated by the time they are made) is important for the early detection of a possible reversal of the epidemic. Public health France notes that ” for more than 7 weeks, the epidemiological indicators of circulation of Sars-CoV-2 are in decline or remain at low levels in metropolitan France “. Among these indicators (deaths, hospitalizations, admissions to intensive care units, etc), ” the proportion of new cases (…) among residents in long-term care facilities has declined over the last 14 days compared to the previous 14 days “.

The number of patients in the icu continues to fall Friday

The balance sheet of the epidemic of coronavirus has increased to 28 714 deaths (52 additional 24 hours), while the number of patients in the icu continues to decline, according to figures releases Friday, may 29 by the Directorate-general of Health. 1 361 patients seriously affected by the sars coronavirus were cared for in the intensive care unit Friday, or 68 less than the previous day. In 24 hours, the numbers of deaths recorded in hospitals is 61, but that of the dead in the long-term care facilities and other institutions has been corrected downward, thus bringing the balance sheet total of 52 people dead. 14 695 people remained hospitalized for an infection Covid-19 Friday.

Read also Covid-19 : “The distrust of vaccine re-emerges”

writing will advise you

Nicolas Baverez – Storm on the WHO