With views of traditional boller tours on father’s day car, call caterers, and police to reason and mindfulness. Because at the ascension of Christ due to the Corona pandemic had contact restrictions apply.

“We can only appeal to the reason and discipline of the people, the measures such as keeping Distance or the Wearing of a mouth-nose-hold protection,” said Michael Maatz, Vice-Chairman of the trade Union of police (GdP) in North Rhine-Westphalia.

“Who is not adhering to the rules, must reckon with sanctions. The colleagues are well prepared.”

Restaurants and beer gardens are allowed to open on ascension day, almost everywhere. The visit is connected with requirements.

Often, for example, the contact data must be stored in the Restaurant. Hiking to the lakes or in the mountains is usually not a Problem.

a rule may meet a maximum of keep the members of two house, in many States, but it must still be the minimum distance of 1.5 metres being complied with.

politicians appeal to the senses of the revellers

“The Virus is still among us, the danger is still not banned,” said Baden-württemberg’s Minister of the interior Thomas Strobl (CDU). Trips and Sunny weather should ensure that hard-won will take the risk. “It would be fatal, these successes now to be lightly put at risk. Please stay on father’s day mindful!”

In fact, some Association members had expressed concern, “that in the father’s day Celebrating in front of the beer gardens are and the rules not exactly,” said Thomas Geppert, country managing Director of the Bavarian Hotel and restaurant Association (Dehoga Bavaria).

“I can only appeal that makes it the host to hard.” All companies would pay attention without exception to the regulations. “Health comes first.”

the rise in infections could re-closing after the

Similar to the Dehoga President said in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lars Black. It had been clearly communicated that this year, as usual. Therefore, he does not have any major concerns, “us under the influence of alcohol hordes Black said in the beer gardens invade”.

The Dehoga lower Saxony pointed out that a significant increase in infection numbers after the ascension quickly could lead to a renewed closure.

managing Director Rainer Balke said he had doubts as to whether all the “party animals,” the consequences of MIS-behaviour aware. “In this respect, I can only hope that all of you in this special year, also out of pure self-interest, a step back times.”

Lord’s day virtually on the neighborhood

celebrate a worry-free, men can go on a Tour through Hamburg’s red light district – to-virtual: Some shops of the famous district of St. Pauli, the atmosphere of the Reeperbahn want to bring using Facebook in the living room.

On ascension day, from 12.00 PM, on the visitors – whether male or female – has various small shops and off the Reeperbahn live to explore.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

*The post, “a call to reason: this year a lot is different: father’s day in the Corona-released pandemic” is from FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.
