
Also in the North-Eastern province of Liaoning, there were reported two cases of infection which have not been introduced from outside. In the case of these two Infected it was, therefore, to contact persons of patients from Beijing. Reuters/Mark Schiefelbein/AP/Reuters police officers secure a meat market, which was closed by the authorities after it became known that a visitor of the market was positive on the Coronavirus tested.

In the people’s Republic is currently growing fear of a second Corona wave of Infection. Because of dozens of new infections in Beijing, the authorities had sealed off on Saturday, several residential areas in the South of the capital. The infections are according to the authorities in connection with a nearby meat market. Also, nine schools and kindergartens were closed because of the new disease outbreak.

originally scheduled for next Monday scheduled Opening of primary schools has been postponed because of the new Infektionsherds. Also, all sporting events and group travel to other provinces were canceled.

All the information about the Coronavirus in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.