violence broke out Tuesday in Paris, in the margins of the event of the caregivers, with jets of projectiles to which the police responded by firing tear gas, have found journalists from the Agence France-Presse.

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when the procession of workers, the party of the ministry of Health, arrived on the esplanade des Invalides, the event to defend the hospital has given way to hundreds of protesters dressed in black, set fire to the furniture and threw projectiles at the police, with cries of ” the whole world hates the police “.

The police denouncing the presence of “violent groups”

The forces of order responded with numerous shots of tear gas, before the CRS will launch various loads, in a climate of tense and chaotic. This situation has created consternation among health-care providers and union leaders, caught by the yellow Vests and black blocks.

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” Of violent groups that are trying to escalate the peaceful demonstration of the caregivers “, has tweeted the prefecture of police, which called for ” calm and responsibility of individuals, virulent “. A nurse, supported by colleagues, was caught, in tears, to the protesters : “You have put our demo in the air, you are idiots ! “” A vehicle has been returned and gradient “, has also tweeted the prefecture of police, which reported to 16 hours of 16 arrests.

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