must leave eight times per day every human being water, up to two liters of urine leave the body. Urine consists of 95 percent water, the Rest are metabolic products that cannot be recycled or are harmful. Urine is, in the ideal case, glass clear and light yellow. He looks different, this can be a sign of health problems. Therefore pay attention to the following changes in the urine:
1. Visible blood in the urine, so red streaks, – can point to a pronounced inflammation. Occur in addition to pain when urinating, it’s probably a bladder infection. Also infections, Kidney infections or kidney stones can cause blood in the urine. Other possible, but rarer causes: kidney or prostate cancer, as well as among smokers frequent cancer of the bladder.
2. Brown discoloration – it may be old blood. As causes inflammation of the bladder or kidney disease also come into question. However, brown urine can be a Symptom of functional disorders of the liver (cirrhosis, Hepatitis), gall bladder (gallstones), or pancreas (pancreatitis). Exciting, but just no time?
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3. Intense yellow coloration – occurs frequently in bladder infection and kidney problems.
4. Foam if the urine foams up when water, it means the most: Too much protein in the urine. One of the kidney is working properly. Causes of this dysfunction can be a kidney tumors, Diabetes, but also hypertension. A benign cause can be physical exertion, such as sports. In this case, the foam no longer occurs a few hours after the Sport. The best clinics in Germany 2020
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5. Bubbles – , the urine gushes out something. Cause air bubbles in the urine. They are formed mostly by a bladder-intestinal fistula. This is a small, tube-shaped connection between the urinary bladder and the intestine. These fistulas are the result of inflammation, sometimes form in the context of a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.
6. Turbid urine flakes, and Clouding can be not only signs of a urinary tract infection. Also, STDs such as gonorrhoea (gonorrhea) can have this Symptom.
7. Bad smell – to be a harmless Symptom, it is, if you have eaten asparagus. His asparagus acid is metabolized namely, the pungent-smelling substances and are excreted in the urine. However, if you have eaten any asparagus, smelly urine usually signs of a bacterial infection of the urinary tract.
8. Fruity smell, with a sweetish Note can indicate Diabetes. The body tries, the Excess sugar through the urine to get rid of. Detect Your Risk Of Diabetes!
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also read:
- From a bladder infection to flu – Many diseases reveal themselves by the smell
- Professor explains why young, athletic women with incontinence suffer
9. Sweet smell and taste for the cost of the urine should today be any get. Actually belonged to Taste, Smell and See the urine, however, so-called “urine-look”, an important diagnostic medium in the middle ages. However, if the urine tastes very sweet smells, and probably so, there may be a pregnancy. Although it is primarily not a sign of alarm. Striking sweet urine can indicate gestational diabetes and should be investigated by a doctor. to go
The Council, doctor , applies in principle for all of the above symptoms. However, in the first line when
- blood in the urine,
- brown urine, and
- strong smelling urine.
these are real warning signs, which must be promptly medically examined.
Mostly harmless to do the following changes in the urine:
- on the other hand are as Clear as water, but no yellowing – probably you have been drinking very much.
- Clear, but more yellow – means the opposite, you have drunk too little. Also in the Morning, the urine is usually slightly darker, if you had to to the bathroom at night. The urine is then concentrated, so to speak, so focused. Are the kidneys and bladder flushed in the course of the day, the stronger the yellow coloring.
- Bright yellow coloring – is often the intake of vitamins, especially B vitamins. Also exciting: 5 risk factors for stroke, which many underestimate, FOCUS Online/Wochit Also exciting: 5 risk factors for stroke, the many under-estimate