One of the leading figures of the refugee activists by the orange square, is accused of five years after the eviction due to resistance against police officers.

police in the eviction of the Oranienplatz in April 2014 photo: Reuters

More than five years after the violent eviction of the protest camp of refugees in the Kreuzberg’s Oranienplatz one of the former Activist is on this Tuesday before the court. The Sudanese Adam Baher is accused of resistance against law enforcement officers in two cases.

The counselling centre for victims of racist and right-wing violence ReachOut, the initiative Black people in Germany and other initiatives call for solidarity-based process support. You see the case as an example of how the police proceed with arrests of People of color are often disproportionately violent and the victims, in retrospect, criminal to streamline the office, writes the Oplatz Media Group in a press release.

Baher, had to leave as a political activist against the former dictatorship in 2009, the Sudan, in 2012 came to Germany and joined immediately then protests of refugees against the German and European asylum system. He quickly became one of the leading figures of the Oranienplatz movement, which called for the abolition of the refugee homes of the Activists ‘camp’ – as well as a stop to the deportations and an end to the duty of residence requested.

As the Senate with the refugees from the Oranienplatz on the conditions for the Ngsbahis task of the Camp, negotiated, sat with the then 33-Year-old at the table. The so-called “agreement paper”, which was produced at the end, he is not signed, however. “For me, it was clear that it was only the attempt of the Senate, the refugees, get rid of,” said Baher at the time of the taz.

A point of agreement reached was that the “info container” of the refugees was allowed to remain on the square in Kreuzberg are. As the Camp at 8. April 2014 has been vacated, admitted the police to the Container yet. Baher, it is said in the press release of the Oplatz Media Group, have answered to this day in the Container, press inquiries, as the police would have him “taken under application of physical violence” in custody.

Not a coincidence? Just Baher has applied for German citizenship.

A year later, he had been on the court once again is “arbitrary and violent celebration” taken. In both cases, he was not informed of the reasons for his arrest and “in both cases, his behavior was criminalized in addition, subsequently, to justify the police attacks against him”.

That the prosecution is now re-opened after years, is for the Activists is not a coincidence: Just Baher have requested, namely the German citizenship. He says: “It is difficult to integrate into German society, if the state blocked the way to the self. Black people have to fight in Germany day in and day out against Racial Profiling and literally to Survive.“

The process against Adam, Baher will be held on Tuesday in the district court of Tiergarten.