Jacob Hoggard, a Canadian musician, has denied raping a teenage girl and a young lady nearly six years ago. He testified Tuesday that both encounters were consensual.

Hoggard, 37 years old, admitted that some of the sex assault charges against him in 2016 — such as spitting, slapping, and calling the complainants “sluts” and “whores” — could have been because of his sexual preference.

He denied touching the complainants or claiming that they cried during the encounters. He also denied touching his younger friend, who he had been with since he was 12 years old. It was a sexual act before she turned 16.

“I knew she was 16 when I saw her… Hoggard said that she just wanted to know.

When asked why he wanted this information, he replied: “To be responsible without breaking the law… I believe that the age of consent in Canada to marry is 16 years.

Hoggard, frontman of the band Hedley has pleaded guilty to two counts each of sexual assault causing bodily injury and one ofsexual interference. This is a charge that pertains to the sexual touching a person below 16.

Hoggard made arrangements to meet each complainant at Toronto-area hotels twice in 2016 according to the case.

Prosecutors claim that Hoggard violently and frequently raped complainants once they were at the hotel. They left them bleeding and bruised.

Both women testified that they cried during the encounters and said no. The younger complainant said that she tried to resist physically, but Hoggard restrained her.

The complainant, now in her 20s, alleges that Hoggard groped and raped her backstage following a performance at the Scotiabank Arena in April 2016. She was 15 years old.

Tuesday’s testimony by Hoggard showed that he enjoyed the attention he received when the band became famous in 2004. He also noted how it was much easier to meet women.

The singer stated that one-night stands were common during his tours, even though he was in a relationship. He also said that he had a large number of partners in different cities. He said it was difficult to be faithful, but easier to “just enjoy” the attention.

He said that it would be quite common for him to arrange transport through a travel agent to take women to his hotel during a tour.

After meeting the complainant at a meet and greet event following a concert in Toronto, Hoggard stated that he began to communicate directly with her.

After that night, they began to exchange messages via text and apps like Snapchat. Later that month, Hoggard invited Hoggard and his friends to attend a Hedley concert in Toronto. Court heard that he made arrangements to pick up the complainant with her friends in a limousine and return them later.

He said that the complainant ran up and grabbed his arms after the show. They took photos together and made a video call to her mom. The two were together for about 20 minutes.

After they had sex, they emailed each other and Hoggard sent her a message the next day. He said that he wanted to “I want you in the bed so badly” and added that it was their first sexual message.

Cross-examination revealed that Hoggard acknowledged that he could have sent the text to gauge the respondent’s response.

Kelly Slate, Crown attorney, suggested that Hoggard had also groped the complainant after the show to check her reaction.

He replied, “Absolutely no,”

Hoggard stated that his sexual interactions with the complainant grew over the spring and summer, but had a “romantic” edge. He told her that he loved her and saw a bright future together even though that wasn’t the case. The relationship was not “overly meaningful,” he said.

Crown alleged that the singer had initially planned to meet the complainant in Toronto for sightseeing or “something similar”, but those plans were canceled. Prosecutors asked Hoggard why he would plan to spend the day with someone he only considered a potential sexual partner. They also inquired whether Hoggard intended to have sex that day.

He said, “I don’t think so.”

Hoggard stated that they had planned to have sex when they met up in September. He said that he sent a limousine to pick her up and brought her to his hotel. They had “passionate” sexual sex for about one to two hours. He said that he felt the encounter was over and called the limousine to bring her home.

Slate reported that it was the first time Hoggard had ever been alone with the complainant, and that Hoggard’s sexual preferences were “unusual for a 16 year-old.”

“In the one to two hours she was with you, you engaged a lot of sexual actsGCa, and during that time, you gained enough trust with (the complaintant), whom you’ve just met, to allow her to consent to these acts.” She asked.

“Yes,” Hoggard said.

Slate suggested that Hoggard assumed the complainant was consenting to the terms, but the singer stated that he was listening to both verbal and nonverbal cues.

Hoggard admitted that he didn’t recall the details of the encounter or the encounter with the second complainant which occurred in November 2016.

He said that the second complainant traveled from Ottawa by train and met him in Toronto. He said that his usual room was not available so they moved to another room and began to kiss. Although he denied forcing a kiss on the complainant he said that she had told him to slow down, and that if she wanted she could go.

He went to get coffee, and returned to find the other room ready. He said that they went to the second room and had “fun, thrilling” sex.

Slate said that Hoggard believed the complainant consented because she didn’t leave when he went to get a cup of coffee. Slate agreed that it was part of the deal, but also said she gave verbal and nonverbal cues while they were having sex.

He said, “I was very conscious of the level of enjoyment that she had.”

He testified that the complainant sent Hoggard a text several days later, in which she indicated that she was unhappy with their relationship. They exchanged messages and Hoggard admitted that there was a lot “romantic affection” even though he only had a one-night relationship with the complainant.

They eventually spoke on the telephone — Hoggard recorded the call without informing the complainant. He said this under cross-examination. The court heard that the complainant told Hoggard she was hurt during the encounter, and repeatedly suggested that he was following a script in order to protect himself.

Although he acknowledged that he had chosen his words carefully, he denied using a script. Hoggard also admitted that although he said he loved the complainant and would be there for him, this wasn’t the truth.

Hoggard also admitted that he lied about the phone’s power being out because he wanted an end to the call. He said that he then blocked the number of the complainant.

He claimed that he didn’t have any text exchange records except for a few screenshots that he sent to a friend. This was because he frequently deleted messages so his partner wouldn’t find them.

Slate suggested that Hoggard would message the complainants after each encounter, saying that they had had a great time.

She stated, “Regardless of what occurred in the hotel with both (the second and first complainants), sending those subsequent messages, you’re trying make it seem like all’s well…that nothing unusual happened in our hotel room.”

He said, “Certainly nothing unusual happened in the hotel room.”

Hoggard is expected back at the stand on Wednesday. According to the defense, it plans to also call as witness the limo driver who drove Hoggard to his meeting with the younger complainant.

The publication ban does not allow for the identification of either complainant or several witnesses.