Tragic Corona-fate in Westphalia: A 30-Year-old died in a clinic, the health Department Unna told now.

Tragic Coronavirus*-death in Lünen: A 30-Year-old died as a result of infection with Covid-19. The young man was already healed. Corona-related deaths in this age group are relatively rare. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the current case numbers in Germany, as a card*.

Lünen – It is an insidious disease. This is a case from North Rhine-Westphalia shows . In Lunen, Westphalia, a 30 Years passed away now , he will be led, as the recent Corona-Dead in the district of Unna.

Coronavirus: the Patient (30) was seen at the health Department already healed

circular speaker Max Rolke said on the request of the Ruhr news: “He had been infected already by the end of April and has been in place since mid-may with the expiration of the quarantine as a re-recover.” There have been no contrary message to the office.

But on Monday, the 30-Year-old died in connection with the Coronavirus in a hospital. On Tuesday, the news of the death reached if the health authority. Rolke said, it’ll be quite that Ill be led in the case of slight gradients after the expiry of the quarantine as recovered and the statistics should then be changed later.

The 30-Year-old should have heard due to his pre-existing medical conditions to the risk group, also reported*.

Corona: deaths in younger patients, there are exceptions – RKI announced new Figures for the age structure

deaths in this age group are rare. However, the age structure of the Infected in Germany is changing. According to the Robert Koch-Institute* the proportion of over 80-Year-olds in the Corona drops-Infected since may continuously. the “In comparison, the proportion of cases in the younger age groups between 0 and 29 years” , according to the latest report on the situation.

Statistically, only 18.8 percent of those Infected in Germany, 70 years of age or older – you, however, 86 percent of the deaths. The largest groups of Infected individuals are between the ages of 20 to 49 years (43 percent) and between 50 and 69 years of age (31 percent). Only 6.8 percent of the Infected are children and young people up to 19 years. the In the age group between 30 and 39 years, according to the RKI cases registered so far, 21 deaths in the age group 20 to 29 years, nine (10. June).

The Hamburg-based legal practitioner, Klaus Püschel* represents in addition to the Thesis, that a majority of the deceased had not died, but with the Coronavirus, your pre-existing conditions so be the cause. He assumes that the patient simply died of premature*, however, – also unnoticed – so-significant pre-existing conditions were that the infection was not a decisive factor for your demise.

* and part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network
