A reckless driving manoeuvres, a 28-Year-old drastic consequences. As informed by the police, drove the man on Thursday against 13 clock in Moorenweis through a puddle. A pedestrian was splashed from top to bottom wet. He wrote down the license plate and informed the police.

Moorenweis – As the officials have the number plate checked and found that the vehicle had been placed due to a lack of liability insurance is already at a standstill. In addition, the owner was already several times with the car eye-catching. A driver’s license, he has not. On the driver more Ads to come now. The wet-sprayed pedestrian is likely to be the least of the Problem, according to police.

Also in the Moore looking for the officials caught on Thursday evening a further motorist without a driver’s license. In the case of a traffic stop, the officers noticed an Audi that rear-registration-plate was entstempelt. The front of the Audi, another indicator was, in turn, attached in the back. The car was registered, nor insured also paid for the car, no car tax. Finally, it turned out that the 32-year-old Serb had only a Serbian driving licence, which he had purchased in the holiday for 300 Euro and is not valid in Germany.

Because the man was also on the arrest put out to tender, and no fixed residence, he was allowed to spend the night in the holding cell. On Friday, he was brought before a judge.