More convicted persons have asked for a new trial on the grounds of teledatasagen, writes Politiken.

a total Of ten persons have so far asked to get a new trial because of teledatasagen.

It writes Politiken on the basis of information from The Special Right of appeal and He.

With the right to appeal is pending in a total of seven cases of resumption, which among other things regards the other countries.

– There are two cases where the sentenced person himself has requested the resumption, as well as five cases, where a lawyer on the person’s behalf has requested the resumption. None of the cases have yet settled, of the writing of The Special Right of appeal in an email to Politiken.

The Specific Right of appeal take the position to genoptagelser of criminal proceedings, when the other appeal options have been exhausted.

At He has received a total of four applications for an Holiganbet appeal, where other countries have been a part of the argumentation.

It appears by a ministersvar 22. november, according to Politiken.

A single of these applications, however, pulled back.

He shall take decisions on applications for appeltilladelse to the high court and to the Supreme court in both civil and criminal cases.

elsewhere in the judicial system has teledataskandalen also got consequences.

at Least three foreigners have thus got their expulsion put on standby, inform the Police for Damages.

Earlier this month, it was announced that a special task force shall review the completed criminal cases from the period 2010-2019.

It must, among other things, look at whether the use of other countries has led to erroneous judgments.

the Case of other countries is that there have been mistakes in the conversion of the raw data, such as the police get from telecoms companies.

the Concept of other countries covers several types of information.

Among other things, the so-called extended teleoplysninger, which is information about which phones at a given time are connected to a given telemast.

this information can be interesting in cases where one wants to know, which phones have been in a particular area.
