
Hamburg: media: Cologne Terodde to come to HSV

The Problem is, therefore, a severance payment, to pay the Bundesliga side from the Rhineland Terodde. He still has a contract for...

Halle (Saale): in Front of a stranger woman’s Hand to be applied: police are...

The requested male Person is described as follows: - approximately 30 years - 175 cm up to 180 cm tall...

The police headquarters in Mannheim: a Young motorcyclist seriously injured

The young driver drove from Zuzenhaußen motorway in the direction of Horrenberg where he came off the road in a blind curve...

Police in Bielefeld: The police of Bielefeld regularly informed weekly about apartment burglaries

As a further Instrument for more transparency and sensitivity, the police published a weekly map that recorded the break-in Bielefeld from the...

Polizeiinspektion Sankt Wendel: With drugs

The driver was not under the influence of alcohol, only slightly, but stood also under the influence of drugs, which had the...

Hannover, Germany/Seesen: Thunderstorms in the West will remain in the North

Violent storms with heavy rain have triggered on the weekend in lower Saxony, numerous fire-fighting operations and, in Seesen, Germany, a clinic,...

Mörfelden-Walldorf: on-site inspection after a fire at the Frankfurt airport

Today (15.00) want to Mörfelden now representatives of the adjacent municipality-Walldorf, the fire brigade and of Hessen-Forst look at the 20-hectare Area...

Lisbon: sporting Director Krösche: all Power to the final

"We will do everything to ensure that we go on to the finals. This is the very clear objective. I think that...

State police inspection Gotha: perseverance, proven

He said that his neighbors were sitting since last night in the garden, and alcohol consumed, even singing was heard. He wanted...

Low-Aula: On the motorway A7, exit: BMW goes up in flames

*The contribution "On the exit of the A7: BMW goes up in flames" is published by Osthessen News. Contact with the executives...


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