When Kristina saw themselves on the screen in the hard reality program she chose to change your lifestyle. It has given results.

the 40-year-old Kristina Rimkolde from the Road, it was the fifth last person who left the expedition, and she managed to lose weight 12,9 kilos in the course of his days on the island. Since then, she has taken five pounds in weight. It went up to her while she was away, that she was not in as good of physical shape.

Kristina volunteered to ‘Robinson’, because hit a point in life where it was stable. She had reached the age of 40, and there was a track on the house, job, husband and children. Her involvement in the program ended up being a wake up call.

“It was very cross to see themselves on the screen afterwards. I could really see how much I had taken on, and how much I had neglected myself. I was shocked and thought: Has it really been so bad? I was so overweight?,” she says.

the Training gives the results

kristina’s mother tried to cheer her up with that tv now-a-days are so big, that it probably played into her appearance.

“I had failed my body. But now I started to prioritize myself and the coach very much. Three times a week I go to bodypump, and by the side of the strength training cycles I and cultivate yoga,” says a Kristina, whose body clearly has been stronger and more fit since she Betvole took off to Fillipnierne.

in Addition to that there is motion on the table, have the family in the Way also changed madvanerne and eat one instead of two portions.

“I think, I have got a small ass now. Before we made the fun that I had a ‘Spongebob-Squarepants’-ass.”

Stopped to eat the coconut

kristina’s great weight loss in the expedition was due, in particular, that the range of food was not so great.

“The first 14 days on the island, ate and drank, I almost only coconut and coconut water, but then I could not get it down. I had got so much of it that it grew in my mouth. So I got a lot less to eat than the other. Not even when I came out of the hotel, after I was smoked out of the expedition, could I get something down, although there was a lot of food. Maybe it was because I had eaten minimally for the last many days.”

kristina’s relationship to the coconut is still destroyed today.

“But if it is the case of a Pina Colada, so it can just go an,” laughs she.

It had consequences for her physical condition in the late expedition, that she had not received the amount of energy from the kokosnødderne, as the other participants had.

“Then on day 38 I hit the wall, as the Nis is true, said in the program. I was dehydrated and also had to have medical attention,” she says.

‘Robinson’ has got Kristina to achieve the shape she is in today, and for her, it is a big, personal victory.

the Article is published in cooperation with the Realityportalen.dk.
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