democratic Exercise of power-come to Venezuela : the elections for the new unicameral parliament of the country of South America, the only institution currently controlled by the opposition, will take place on 6 December, announced on Wednesday that the national electoral Council (CNE). “The whole country is called the December 6, 2020 for the electoral process for electing the national Assembly,” said the president of the CNE, Indira Alfonzo, in a statement aired by the State television. Indira Alfonzo had announced on Tuesday that the legislative elections would take place in December, but without specifying the date.

The new parliament will be elected for a term of five years from 2021 to 2026, said the president of the CNE. The main formations of the opposition in venezuela have already announced that they boycotteraient these laws, as they may deem in advance to be fraudulent to the extent that Indira Alfonzo has been named chair of the NCA by the supreme Tribunal of justice (TSJ), be considered as vested in the power of the socialist president of venezuela, Nicolas Maduro. In designating the president of the CNE, the TSJ is assigned a prerogative of the national Assembly, to which he returns, according to the law to proceed to such an appointment.

also Read Juan Guaido : “Maduro in exercising the power so sadistic”

A campaign from 21 November to 5 December

The national Assembly is presided over by Juan Guaido, which considers as illegitimate the presence of the power of Nicolas Maduro and which was proclaimed in January 2019 interim president. It is now recognized as such by fifty countries, including the United States, who call openly for the overthrow of Nicolas Maduro and apply various economic sanctions against Caracas. With the boycott announced parliamentary elections by the main opposition formations, the chavism has the free way to regain control of the national Assembly. He had lost in December 2015, after 15 years of domination chaviste, where the opposition had won 112 of 167 seats in the national Assembly.

The election campaign will take place from 21 November to 5 December, according to a document cited by Indire Alonzo. The NCA, she added, in reference to the current epidemic of Covid-19, is preparing for these elections, “the appropriate rules for the creation of conditions of biosecurity”. According to the last official assessment, the Venezuela account 5 832 confirmed cases of contamination and 51 deaths related to the Covid-19.

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