Donald Trump holds its first mass meeting of the campaign in Tulsa, Oklahoma, this Saturday. A few hours before the beginning of the meeting, the campaign team of u.s. president stated that six members of the organization have been tested positive for the coronavirus. “Six members of the planning team were tested positive on the hundreds of testing performed, and quarantine procedures were immediately implemented,” announced to the Agence France-Presse the head of communication of the re-election campaign of us president, Tim Murtaugh.

“None of the employees positive to the Covid or a person who has been in direct contact will not be present at the meeting or to the side of the participants or their elected officials,” Saturday night in Tulsa, where 20 000 people are expected to attend, he said. He recalled that the temperature of all members of the public had taken to their entry and that of the masks and hand sanitizer were distributed to each. But the participants will not be forced to wear them. On the other hand, they had to sign a document by which they waive any legal prosecution if they ever contracted the virus at this time.

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Over 119, 000 deaths in the United States

in Front of the room where will be held the meeting at the end of the day, almost none of the supporters of Donald Trump was wearing a mask in the morning. The first meeting of the republican president since the kick-off of his campaign on the ground, stunned by the pandemic Covid-19, at the beginning of march, has stirred up a great controversy, many are concerned about the health consequences of such a large crowd coming from all over the United States. Until now, relatively untouched, Oklahoma, a State curator of the south, is already a strong surge in cases detected.

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The United States had recorded Friday night 705 excess deaths due to the coronavirus in 24 hours, according to data from the Johns Hopkins university, in which reference is made. It is the 9th day in a row that the balance sheet daily passes under the bar of 1 000 deaths, although the United States remains the country with the most grief-stricken by the pandemic, with over 119, 000 deaths from the virus in total and 2.2 million cases diagnosed in the territory. The epidemic has moved from New York and north-east of the country to a wide band covering the south and west.

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